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Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-13

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Asia-Pacific | Asia

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CN - Module

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Standard plate since 1994

Standard plate issued since 1994 in white on blue. The Chinese ideogram denotes the province. The first letter denotes the office.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, white on blue, front and rear

Plate style:
plddddd, plldddd, plllddd

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Truck oneline plate since 1994

Truck plate issued since 1994 in black on yellow. The Chinese ideogram denotes the province. The first letter denotes the office.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
plddddd, plldddd, plllddd

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Truck twoline plate since 1994

Truck twoline plate issued since 1994 in black on yellow. The Chinese ideogram denotes the province. The first letter denotes the office.

Plate size & position:
440x220mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
plddddd, plldddd,

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New energy vehicle since 2016

The New Energy vehicles license plates consist of the one-character provincial abbreviation, a letter of the alphabet, and six numbers or letters of the alphabet.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on green, front and rear

Plate style:

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New energy large vehicle since 2016

The New Energy vehicles license plates consist of the one-character provincial abbreviation, a letter of the alphabet, and six numbers or letters of the alphabet.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
plddddd, pllddddd, plldddd, plllddd, pldddddl

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Hong Kong - Suplementary plate since 2002

Vehicles travelling regularly across the border Hong Kong-Guangdong must carry supplementary plates. They are white on black and carry the Guangdong code.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:
pZLdddr, pZLLddr, pZddddr

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Macao - Supplementary plate since 2002

Vehicles travelling regularly across the border Macao-Guangdong must carry supplementary plates. They are white on black and carry the Guangdong code.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:
pZddddr, pZLdddr, pZLLddr

Consulate Corps since 1994

Members of the Consular Corps have plates similar-to the normal series in white on black with a provincial ideogram, one letter and four numerals but with the addition, in red, of as a suffix.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:
pLddddr, pLLdddr

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Police since 1994

Licence plates for China's Police Service, Armed Police Force, and Military are in a white background, with red and black text.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
pLddddr, pLLdddr

Trailer since 1994

There are several types which are distinguished by color.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
pLddddr, pLLdddr

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Coach cars since 1992

Coach cars Black-on-yellow Cars belonging to driving schools.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
pLddddr, pLLdddr

CN1 - Module

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Military plate since 2013

Military plate issued since 2013 in black on white. On front plates both letters and dot are in red but on rear plates only the first letter is red.

Plate size & position:
440x140mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:

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Military twoline plate since 2013

Military twoloine plate issued since 2013 in black on white. On front plates both letters and dot are in red but on rear plates only the first letter is red.

Plate size & position:
440x220mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style: