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  1. Click: Create new keystore

View file
nameInvalid file id - UNKNOWN_MEDIA_ID
pageImagina LED sign (Move to another space)


  1. Select PKCS#12, and click OK


  1. Right click and select Generate key pair


  1. Leave on default (RSA) and click OK


  1. Change validity end to the desired end date and Click add extensions


  1. Click use standard template, select CA, than OK


  1. Click the green + and add extension Subject Alternative Name, click OK


10. Add all DNS names/ addresses that are used to connect to the INVR host system and click OK


11.Set certificate settings, as desired (the printscreen is a example)

View file
nameInvalid file id - UNKNOWN_MEDIA_ID
pageImagina LED sign (Move to another space)


12. Click OK until the dialogue is closed, when asked for “Enter Alias”, tomcat must be filled. click OK


When asked for the password, at default this must be changeit (*can be different if desired)


13. Right click on just created keypair and select: Generate CSR


14. Set the location where the file is saved and click OK


Signing process of the certificate CSR file and creating .keystore file.


  1. Let the customer sign the CSR in case the customer provides the certificates, or sign the CSR on the iProtect main server:

  2. Login to the maintenance page of the iProtect main server

  3. Click: iProtect > Certificate > Configuration

  4. At Upload CSR: Upload the CSR file. a check will be performed and when OK the certificate will be signed, a download button will appear

  5. Click the download button, the signed certificate and the public root certificate will be downloaded in a *.zip file

  6. Install the certificate on the Windows INVR server:

    1. Extract the file

    2. Import the “signed-csr.crt” file by right clicking the certificate and selecting: Import CA Reply > From File View filenameInvalid file id - UNKNOWN_MEDIA_IDpageImagina LED sign (Move to another space)spacePEM5

    3. Image Added

      Import all root and intermediate certificates to complete the chain, by right clicking the certificate and selecting: Import Edit Certificate Chain > Append Certificate View filenameInvalid file id - UNKNOWN_MEDIA_IDpageImagina LED sign (Move to another space)spacePEM5

    4. Image Added

      Check certificate, by right clicking the certificate and selecting: View Details > Certificate Chain Details

    5. If all is OK, save this certificate as .keystore in the INVR home folder. Default location: c:\iNVR\home\.keystore (replace the default .keystore file)

    6. Restart the INVR service

      1. Start services.msc

      2. Restart the INVR process, by right clicking the service and than click “restart” View filenameInvalid file id - UNKNOWN_MEDIA_IDpageImagina LED sign (Move to another space)spacePEM5

      3. Image Added

*If the password for the certificate is other than changeit, than this should be adjusted in the file: C:\iNVR\home\atlas\iprotect\catalina_base\conf\server.xml
