Installation Manual | IM-20210309-TP-45

Access Control | Controllers | Polyx™ |

This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.

1 Product description

Polyx™ is a platform with several possible functions. It is safer, more robust and variable than the competing platform Orbit.

1.2 Safety standard

Polyx™ complies to the ‘Directive on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment 2002/95/EC’ (RoHS).

1.3 Functions D+, ND+ and NDR+

Polyx™ can take over several functions.

1.4 Communication

Polyx™ communicates with the system via a 10/100 ethernet connection (1000 MBit fault tolerant).

(Different to the Orbit) Polyx™ can not only receive data from the reader, but can send data to the reader as well.

The communication between Polyx™ and iPU-8 is encrypted (AES 256-bit encryption). The access to Polyx™ is secured with a login and a password. Therefore Polyx™ is optimally protected against any influences from outside.

Note! Using higher security levels can effect the reading time of the cards.

2 Planning

Make a plan, how and where Polyx™ and the other devices have to be connected.

2.1 Possible combinations

2.1.1 Polyx™ D+

A D+ can be controlled by a iPU-8 or a Polyx ND+ (not by a Stellar).
You can connect:

2.1.2 Polyx™ ND+

To a Polyx™ ND+ you can connect at most 15 D+.
You can combine a ND+ with:

Note! If named hardware is connected, this can reduce the number of Polyx D+ you can

2.2 Possible configurations

2.2.1 Polyx™ D+ control

2.2.2 Polyx™ ND+ control

3 Mounting

4 Connections

4.1 Ports

  1. Separate power supply 24VDC; 2) Emergency power supply 12VDC (battery);

  2. Ethernet connection including power supply (PoE+: tot 30W);

  3. Serial RS 232 port (diagnostics/monitor);

  4. 2 serial RS422 ports for readers, reader-Orbits, I/O-Orbits;

  5. RS232 (external connection);

  6. 12 inputs/outputs;

  7. power supply for the door lock 12VDC (not available if power supply=PoE)

4.2 Separate power supply 24VDC

Even if you do have a power supply via PoE+ you might decide to have a separate power supply as a back-up system.
The power supply connection is robust against wrong connecting of the connection wires.

Galvanic separation:

Attention! Always execute the separate power supply of the Polyx galvanically separated if separate power supply and PoE/PoE+ are used!
Use a transformator between power supply (primary circuit) and the Polyx (secondary circuit)!
Polyx devices without galvanic separation are not CE-compliant!

If separate power supply Polyx AND separate supply door lock:

Attention! If a separate power supply of the Polyx (A) and for the door lock is being used, you have to connect GND of the I/O section with – of the 24VDC supply (B) and with – of the separate door lock supply(C).

4.3 Emergency battery 12VDC

4.4 Ethernet port

4.5 RS232 serial port (diagnostics)

The RS232 connection can be used for diagnostics and monitoring functions.

4.6 RS422 serial ports

Maximal distance
The maximal cable distance between a Polyx and a reader depends on the type reader. See the reader manual.
The maximal cable distance to an Orbit is 1.200m.

Connected readers are fed via these 2 ports. The voltage is 12V, the connection short-circuit proof.
These readers can be connected:

4.6.1 Connect a card reader Sirius Direct connection

A direct connection (without adapterboard) between card reader Sirius and Polyx is NOT possible if:

Note! If one of the stated conditions applies, you have to connect an adapterboard between
Sirius and Polyx!

Polyx and the card reader Sirius are connected by a default UTP cable.
At the Polyx side the connection is done by a RJ45 plug.
The wires of the RJ45 connector are standardized in EIA-568-B. Connection by an adapterboard

The adapterboard is placed between Polyx and card reader Sirius. Adapterboard and Polyx are connected with a default UTP cat5 cable (or higher) (plug connection). The allowed cable sort between the adapterboard and the card reader Sirius is: UTP. At the Polyx side the connection
is done by a RJ45 plug. The wires of the RJ45 connector are standardized in EIA-568-B.

An adapter board will be installed between the Sirius card reader and the Polyx. The adapter board is mounted near the Polyx (eg in the same box, about 20cm away).
You can connect the card reader Sirius to the adapterboard via a RJ45 plug or by connecting single wires (see illustration).
Do not place any jumpers! For more information see the adapterboard manual.

4.6.2 Connect a SmartID reader

I Check the correct connection of wires of the ethernet cable to the reader. The wires of
ethernet cables have been standardized in EIA/TIA 568-B.
See .

4.6.3 Connect a pincode or vandalism proof reader

For the pincode reader and for the vandalism proof reader from Keyprocessor you will need a separate 12V reader power supply. Therefore you will have to install an adapterboard between Polyx and reader.

4.7 Serial RS 232 port (port4)

The RS232 plug can be used for a connection with 3rd party hardware, e.g. burglary security devices.

4.8 Inputs/outputs

4.8.1 Power at inputs/outputs

For each input/output a current of max. 1A per I/O at 28 VDC (short-circuit proof, short-cut detectable) can be switched.
The outputs are solid state relays (FET), which are “normally open” when no operation.

4.8.2 Default input and output connections

4.9 Power supply for the door lock

5 Set the Polyx

5.1 Create serial connection

You can configure the Polyx via the "diagnosis" menu, using a terminal program. The example is based on "Hyper Terminal".

5.2 The diagnostic menu of Polyx

The next window appears, don’t touch a button yet.

Then appears:

The next menu appears:

Attention! Do NOT restart by removing the voltage of the Polyx! Otherwise the Polyx will be damaged!

6 Loading firmware

6.1 Loading new firmware

6.1.1 Open the postbox

Firmware which is not related to iProtect™ can be downloaded as follows.

6.1.2 Loading the file

If you have chosen a bidirectional communication with the reader (see chapter 1.4), you have
to upload the configuration file. This file will be generated by Polyx Applet. For this there is a
separate manual.

6.2 Loading the nodemanager / security key

The nodemanager software / security key can be loaded as follows. In the next example the IP of the Polyx is

7 Entry in iProtect™ Aurora

Enter the installed devices of the configuration in iProtect™ Aurora. Polyx™ ND+ is entered as a “line”, Polyx™ D+ as a “node”.

7.1 Double function of the Polyx™

If a Polyx™ ND+ functions as a door controller AND as a substation, it has to be entered twice:
once as a line and once as a node. When entering the node in iProtect™ you have to enter “door controller” for “type”, “TCP/IP” for “communication” and for “IP-address”: “”.

“Polyx ND+ has to be programmed a 2nd time – but as a node this time!”

7.2 Emergency cards

You can assign a card group of emergency cards to the Polyx under “node”, if it controls card readers. This card group has access, when Polyx™ stands in emergency mode.

Note! The maximum for emergency cards per node is 64 in iProtect™!

8 Trouble shooting

8.1 Situation

Polyx can become corrupt. The O.S. does not start anymore or starts with error messages. The chance that it occurs is very rare but when it occurs it can have many reasons. The error messages which can occur and which make you see that the Polyx needs to be provided with an operation system, can be e.g.:


If the above mentioned error messages appear, you can go on with the document.

8.2 FTP server

8.3 Firmware and control system

When updating the software will be checked in first instance which bootloader is present.
Connect a serial connection (see chapter 5.1).

8.3.1 Bootloader options Control version bootloader

8.3.2 Update bootloader

8.3.3 Loading operating system

Type "set" without <option value> for extra help.cmd>

9 Technical data