VDG Sense 2.7.4
Release Notes Article VDG Sense | Release Notes | VDG Sense 2.7.4 | | Release date August 6 2024 |
Software download
VDG Sense 2.7 Software download
New Features
VMS-12205 Translate ObjectC labels bounding boxes
VMS-12765 User persistant cookie in API calls
VMS-12781 Solution for syncing layoutchanges to videowall
VMS-12184 VCA zone selection does not work with Windows layout scaling.
VMS-12203 Sense Player crash
VMS-12277 Cannot stop PTZ trace with stop button
VMS-12400 Signal handling with large amount of clients is slow
VMS-12468 Silent Installer option not working
VMS-12582 Absolute PTZ issue with Siqura driver
VMS-12599 No PTZ control without "PlackbackControl" function
VMS-12604 Hikvision driver TCM model, using an invalid Event Address causes a server crash
VMS-12639 Server macro webhook wild cards in uri not workingVMS-12681 Videotag list incomplete and changing when using Sense client
VMS-12686 VideoTag API behavior inconsistent icw cluster setup
VMS-12753 Video wall (client) crashes
VMS-12823 Deactivate multicast camera does not deactivate camera on remote clients
VMS-13101 Videowall is crashing after selecting multiple layouts
VMS-13102 Sense Failover with 2 clusters is not working as expected
VMS-13105 Videowall panel has no access to video stream
VMS-13110 User persistent cookie
VMS-13119 Hikvision driver deactivate/activate causes bad camera connection
VMS-13125 RC changing own password not possible
VMS-13135 Generic Events via API doesn't work (TKH and Hikvision driver)
VMS-13157 Re-select camera drivers for continuous polling
VMS-13159 No response to PTZ API command
VMS-13191 Hikvision videoloss
VMS-13231 TKH (driver) cameras Unable to Reconnect after a Disconnection