*Devices – Zenitel

*Devices – Zenitel

Configuration Article | CA-20200930-TP-04

VDG Sense | Setup | Devices | Zenitel

Add Zenitel server

There are two ways to add a Zenitel server to the configuration. The easiest way is to let Sense search for Zenitel servers in the local network. Press the ’Find’ button in the lower left corner of the screen to open the ’Find’ dialog (assuming the ’Device’ tab is open and the intercom serverlist is visible). Select the commend servers in the list which need to be added.

The alternative way is to add the servers manually. Press the ’+’ button in the bottom-left corner of the screen to add one server. The fields displayed in the image below should be filled in with the correct information. When done press the ’Apply’ button which is located in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Configure Station Remote Domain & Port

To receive audio from a station, you need to configure the stations audio settings Remote domain. To do this, open the station(s) webpage Permanent Audio Stream setting (http:/<Station-IP-address>/goform/zForm_stream_config) and fill in the correct information.

  • In the ‘Remote Domain’, enter the IP address of the VDG Sense server on which the Zenitel server is added

  • Set a Remote Port

  • Set audio codec to g772

Assign camera to station

After adding the server to the configuration it will automatically fill the stationlist with all the available stations on the Zenitel System. The callnumber and stationnames are defined in the Zenitel configuration and cannot be edited by Sense. The last two columns are used to assign cameras to the stations (a camera can be assigned to multiple stations). The camera selected will be used for audio playback. Do not forget to add the device RTP port. This port number should be same as configured in the Zenitel station

See screencapture below for an example stationlist.


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