*ColorD setup

*ColorD setup

Configuration Article | CA-20201130-TP-07

VDG Sense | Setup | Profiles | ColorD

ColorD uses a passive detection of color in a defined region in a device. The detection algorithm must be triggered by an event before the color of an object can be determined. An event can be any condition available in the macro engine (i.e. motion, I/O, Layout button click or FaceR/CarR match).

ColorD will generate the following events:

Event name: Color Detected
Value: <color> (Brown, Orange, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Pink, Red, White, Black, Grey)


Enabling ColorD

To enable ColorD on a device, open the profile tab and select the subtab “ColorD”. Click “Enable ColorD” checkbox to enable Color detection for this device.

Defining region of interest

To define the region of interest for the ColorD algorithm, open the “Profile” tab and select the device in the device-list. Then select the ColorD tab. Use the green rectangle in the reference image to identify the area in which the colored object will appear. Click “Save” to save the regions position.

Note: The image used in the profile tab is always the reference image. Changing the reference image can be done in the “Devices” tab.

Macro configuration

To execute the Color detection action, a macro needs to be created in which it is linked to a signal. Open either the Server Macro or Viewer Macro tab, and create a new macro. ColorD can be triggered by any macro signal. To view a list of available signals, click here

Set the following macro action:

ColoRD →  <Camera location> → <Camera Name> → Detect Color

Live Events

With ColorD configured, the event panel will start showing “Color Detected” events in operator mode. The live and recorded image will display a red rectangle of the region of interest in which the color is determined. If the region of interest does not provide correct results, or is not correctly displayed on the target, it can be reconfigured in the profiles menu. It is not required to recreate a new macro for the same device.

If the region is placed correctly, but provides incorrect color results, try changing the camera settings or setup environment. See ColorD guidelines for references.


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