*General Setup

Configuration Article | CA-20200930-TP-08

VDG Sense | Setup | Profiles | General


  • Activate Device
    Activate or deactivate the devices for this profile.

  • Framerate
    The maximum amount of frames processed per second.

  • Framerate Store Factor
    Framerate divided by framerate store factor is the amount of frames stored per second. NOTE: This setting is only functional when MJPEG streaming is used. Not for H.264 or H.265.

  • Alarm Output Timeout (MS)
    The time how long an alarm output is triggered.

  • Connection Lost Send Interval (min)
    When loses its connection a ’Connection Lost’ event can be resend. Set the interval in minutes between
    two Connection Lost events.

  • OSD text color
    The color of the text in the OSD (On-screen display) rule on the video panel

  • OSD opacity
    The opacity of the OSD rule on the video panel

  • Camera Resolution
    This settings is only shown when an Arecont camera is selected, and gives you 2 options: ’Half’ and ’Full’. Actual sizes depends on the camera type.

  • Camera Image Quality
    This setting is only shown when an Arecont camera is selected, and gives you 3 options : ’Medium’, ’High’ and ’Very High’.

  • Camera Exposure
    This setting is only shown when an Arecont camera is selected, and gives you 3 options : ’Auto w/o compensation’, ’Auto compensation’ and ’Window w/o compensation’. The last option ’Window w/o compensation’ allows you to draw an rectangle over the video which acts as the window used for exposure.

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