*Plugin – Traficon Flux

*Plugin – Traficon Flux

Configuration Article | CA-20201130-TP-14

VDG Sense | Setup | Plugins | Traficon Flux


The Traficon Flux plugin enables communication between VDG Sense and the Traficon/FLIR Flux server. It enables VDG Sense to receive traffic events which are generated by the FLUX server.

For more information on Intelligent Transport Systems refer to the following webpage: Read More.

How to use the plugin and more information on the integration can be found here: Read More.


Before the Traficon Flux plugin can be enabled make sure the AID license extension is part of the software license of the Management server. To enable and configure the plugin check the corresponding checkbox:

The VDG Sense Traficon Flux plugin communicates with a gateway service on the FLUX server called the Watts plugin. It requires the IP address and port number to be configured: 

  • ServerAddress
    IP address of the FLUX server

  • ServerPort
    Port number of the FLUX server

After configuring these settings the plugin will automatically request the cameralist of AID cameras from the Watts plugin so VDG Sense knows which cameras are configured for traffic monitoring. This information is used to link events, which are send by the FLUX server, to the corresponding camera in VDG Sense. 


FLUX configuration

In order for the link between VDG Sense and the FLUX server to work, the FLUX server also needs to be configured. Assuming basic knowlegde of the FLUX server the screen below shows the root page of the FLUX configuration:

To check if the Watts Sdk Plugin is enabled go to Plug-in Configurations, the following dialog appears: 

If the Watts Sdk Plugin is not in the list there can be no communication between VDG Sense and FLUX. If it is available the port number for the plugin is displayed in the Plugin Listening Port box.

It is also important the plugin is correctly configured with the right options enabled. By selecting the Watts configuration (in this example the name is ‘Scada’) and press Edit it will open the following dialog:

For VDG Sense it is important that only following entries in the General tab are enabled. The other options should be disabled and could cause the Flux events to have wrong format: 

  • Integrated Data

  • Individual Data

  • Bicycle Data

  • Flow Data

  • Presence data


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