*Examples – Disable home preset
*Examples – Disable home preset
Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-81 VDG Sense | API | References |
Most dome devices automatically goto a home preset position after some time of inactivity. We can set this timeout with the HomePresetTimeout device settting. A value of zero (0) will turn this functionality off.
Disable home preset
Disable the home preset for the device with the name “Dome”.
Command url:
http://<server>/command?command=executeAction |
Post data:
<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->
<parameter name="serverid">7015498111931795223</parameter>
<parameter name="deviceid">2</parameter>
<parameter name="name">homePresetTimeout</parameter>
<parameter name="value">0</parameter>
</action> |
<result errorcode="0">
</result> |
What if the device isn’t a dome
What would happen if we accidentally use a device that isn’t a dome?
Command url:
Post data: