*Examples – Set home preset timeout

Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-84

VDG Sense | API | References

To enable homing of a dome device and/or set the timeout period we use the same action as the example above, only use a value for the timeout in seconds.

Enable home preset

Goto home after 60 seconds inactivity

Command url:


Post data:

<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->  <action>   <name>camera.setDeviceSetting</name>   <parameters>     <parameter name="serverid">7015498111931795223</parameter>     <parameter name="deviceid">2</parameter>     <parameter name="name">homePresetTimeout</parameter>     <parameter name="value">1</parameter>   </parameters>  </action>


<result errorcode="0">   <description>Ok</description>  </result>


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