*Result Codes

Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-87

VDG Sense | API | References

This table list the possible result codes as returned from http or xml commands. A value of 0 means no error. Negative values means some kind of error, stated in the table below. The meaning of positive return values is defined by the command the answer belongs to.

Error code 

 Code message 


Error code 

 Code message 




Ok, no error.


Not implemented

Function not implemented.


No device

No device found for the supplied cameraid/deviceid.


Error historical image

Error retrieving historical image.


Invalid Timestamp.

Invalid datetime format. See Timestamp.


Error live image

Error retrieving live image.


Error historical Data

Error retrieving historical image data.


Preset out of range

Preset number out of range. Valid numbers are [1..64].


No FaceR

System or device not set for face recognition.


No record

The record search is not found


Not enough parameters

There are not enough parameters supplied for this function.


No image

There is no image found to return.


No Diva

There is no server with the supplied id (What is DIVA?).


No monitor

There is no monitor with the supplied id.


No layout

There is no layout with the supplied id.


No panel

There is no panel with the supplied id.


No multiLayout

There is no multilayout with the supplied id.


No server

There is no server with the supplied id.


General error

An undefined error occured


No dome

The device is not a dome device.


No CarR

System or device not set for license plate recognition.


Device not active

The device is not active in the current profile and cannot produce any results.


Value is out of range

The supplied value is out of range.


An empty value is not allowed

The supplied value is out of range.


Invalid action

The action is not a valid action.


No macro

There is no macro with the supplied id.


Action name does not exist

The supplied action name does not exist.


Invalid action parameters

At least one action parameter does not exist.


Not a Diva client

There is no client with the supplied divaid.


User is not allowed to perform command

The (api) user logged in to the server does not have sufficient rights to perform the command.


VideoTag does not exist

The supplied videotag id does not exist.


Invalid Pretime



No id parameter found



No serverId parameter found

No serverID parameter given.


No deviceID parameter found

No deviceID parameter given.


No startdate parameter found

No startdate parameter given.


No enddate parameter found

No enddate parameter given.


Enddate before startdate error

Enddate parameter is before the startdate parameter.


Time difference above limit

Enddate is >5 minutes than startdate.


File not found



Clip not found

Clip with given ID does not exist


Start time in the future

Startdate exceeds enddate parameter


No response from server



No description parameter found



Clip is pending or busy



Database offline

The database cannot be reached


Image size is not valid



Failed after multiple tries to create clip



No video data for timestamp

No video data for the given timestamp


Output size exceeds retention size

The exported clip filesize is bigger than the maximum retention size


Storage location doesn't exist

The given Filepath parameter refers to an invalid location.


Clip build failed



Video tag is still active

Tag cannot be exported while active


Device connection lost

Device has no connection


System Status plugin not active

The System Status plugin is not enabled or the Sense PluginManager is not running


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