*Update Process

*Update Process

Configuration Article | CA-20200929-TP-08

VDG Sense | Licensing | Update

If you have extended your license key with additional options, you will receive a new license key from TKH Security. Prior to VDG Sense 2.4.19, you were required to manually deactivate the old license in the software, followed by reactivating the new license key.

In Sense 2.4.19, we’ve simplified this procedure and added an option to update the license key with one click on a button.

Online update

An internet connection is required only on the client, servers could be offline from the internet.

  1. Open the VDG Sense configuration menu

  2. Select the Server in the server list you wish to update

  3. Select the subtab “General”

  4. Click the button “Update License”

If an update is available, the system will apply the updated license and restart the server. The restart of the server is required in order to correctly apply the new license options through the system. Restarting the server should not take more than one minute and depends on your server configuration. During the restart no video will be stored.

Offline update

If no internet connection is available on the client or you are running a version lower than 2.4.19, you are required to update the license manually.

  1. Follow the Online or Offline Deactivation Process

  2. Followed by the Online  or Offline Activation Process with the new supplied license key

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