*Playback / Controls

How To Article | HTA-20210910-MH-03

VDG Sense | Operator | Playback

This layout contains 4 playback panels and playback controls where each panel has the following features:

  • Green triangular icon: in lower left corner, indicates panel is playback panel

  • Audio icon: next to recording icon, only visible if there is audio available in the videostream (panel should be selected to hear the audio).

  • Camera name: next to recording icon, the camera name.

  • Date and time: next to camera name, date and time of displayed image.

  • Digital zoom: hold left mousebutton or scroll and move cursor over the videopanel.

  • Doubleclick on panel: switch panel to full screen or switch camera to ’Target panel’.

  • Green focus ring: currently selected panel, used for camera selection.

Playback position in all recordings (in days)

Playback position for current playback day

Show or hide video export controls

Current playback date and time

Show or hide date and time search


  • Slow (x0.5)

  • Normal (x1)

  • Fast (fine) (x2)

  • Fast (x4)

  • Faster (x8)

  • Fastest (x16)

  • Skip (skip 200ms, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is x16)

  • Skip many (skip 500ms, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is x16)

  • Skip more (skip 1sec, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is x16)


  • Back slow (-0.5)

  • Back normal  (-1)

  • Back fast (fine) (-2)

  • Back fast (-4)

  • Back faster  (-8 )

  • Back fastest (-16)

  • Skip back (skip 200ms, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is -16)

  • Skip back many (skip 500ms, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is -16)

  • Skip back more (skip 1000ms, only for MJPEG. For MPEG-4, H.264 orH.264 speed is -16)



Note: To hear the audio you also need to select the video panel)

Export current image

Export video

Add bookmark

Go to start / end of recording

Step 1 minute backwards / forwards

Step 1 frame backwards / forwards

Start reverse playback / Start playback 

Stop playback



Although “Live Video panels” cannot be used for playback, it’s possible to use the “Flashback” feature to quickly display the last 10 seconds of recorded footage. Simply right click on a live video panel to engage flashback. The last 10 seconds will be replayed in fast-forward until the playback has caught up with the live footage.