*Sense Database

*Sense Database

How To Article | HTA-20201001-TP-08

VDG Sense | Operator | Tools

The database layout can be used for creating blacklists, whitelists or matchlists for both FaceR (people) or CarR (license plates). With active FaceR or CarR, when a match is detected a FaceR match resp. CarR match event will be fired. This event can be used to create a macro to execute actions based upon this event.

The database fixed layout is used for handling person data like adding, editing and deleting. This is also the layout to add FaceR gallery images from a live video stream or from historical images.

Adding Database entries

Click on the ’+’-button to add person. The ’Person’-dialog will appear, fill in the fields and click the ’OK’-button to add the person. Click on the ’cancel’-button to close the dialog without adding the person.

The following fields have special functions:

  • License plate
    The License plate field should be written without spaces or dividers. For example, a license plate reading “AA-123-XY” should be entered as AA123XY.

  • Notes
    Apart from adding some notes about this person, this field has an extra function. Using this field database subsets can be created, for more information click here

  • Access Expiration
    Defines the date till the person in the database will be recognized. When recognized by either FaceR (Sense 2.4 only) or CarR algorithm it will send a ‘FaceR Match’ or CarR Match’ signal. After the Access Expiration date is expired it will not create a ‘Match’ event anymore, but will still be present in the database.

  • Expiration Date
    Defines the date till the person in the database will be recognized. When recognized by either FaceR (Sense 2.4 only) or CarR algorithm it will send a ‘FaceR Match’ or CarR Match’ signal. After the Exppiration Date is expired it will not create a ‘Match’ event anymore and wil be deleted from the database.

Click on the ’-’-button to delete the selected person. Click on the ’Pencil’-button to edit the data for the selected person. The ’Person’-dialog will appear, fill in the fields and click the ’OK’-button to change the data. Click the ’Cancel’-button to leave the data unchanged.

License to white list

It is also possible to (temporarily) add a license plate to the database using the Server Macro action “License to white list”. This will add the currently scanned license plate to the database. Depending on the ‘Person Expiration Period’ setting in the ‘Advanced’ tab of the ‘Servers’ tab it can be automatically removed from the database after some time.

ID Images

You can assign an ID image to each person in the database. These ID images can either be local image files, or extracted from FaceR cameras.

To add an image from a local file, click on the ’+’-button below the ’ID Image’-panel, an image open dialog appears, select the image you want to add to a person. The image will appear on the ’ID Image’-panel. To remove the ’ID Image’ click on the ’-’-Button below the ’ID Image’-panel. With the rotation button the image can be rotated in steps of 90 degrees.

To add an image from recorded video data, Choose a camera to take images to add to a person’s gallery. You can use the ’live’- or ’playback’-stream. You can only playback faces. If you choose the ’playback’ option the playback controls will appear.
When the face is recognized with a confidence above the enrollment setting for that camera the image is displayed on an enrollment panel. If you double-click an enrollment panel the image is added to the person and the panel is emptied (leaving the text ’Enrollment’). The FaceR meta-data -the face print- is added to the FaceR engine on the (authentication) server and will be used for matching against. The images are only used for display purposes.

Import and export person data

Sense has support to im- and export CSV files. CSV stands for ’Comma Separated Values’. Apart from the comma, the Diva supports the following delimiters: tab, semicolon and space.

Exporting database

It is only possible to export the complete person list, only the person data will be exported. There is no support yet to export gallery images or matches.

First select the fields needed for export. Use the buttons between the two lists to add or remove fields.
Use the ’>’-button to add fields, and ’<’-button to remove fields from the list on the right.
To insert a field in the list on the right: select a field in the list on the right and click the ’>’-button, the added field wil be inserted above the selected field.
To be able to add fields again simply deselect the current selection by clicking below the last field in the list.

Next select the delimiter you want to use in the exported file.

Click on the ’Export’-button to start the export.
A ’save file’-dialog appears to choose the location on disk to store the file.
Click on the ’Save’-button to export the personlist to file.

Importing database

First select a file to import by clicking the ’…’-button next to ’Choose CSV file’. A file open dialog appears, only CSV files can be choosen. The file should be a valid text file.

Next add database fields to the column on the right that correspond with the fields in the file.
Use the buttons between the lists to add or remove corresponding fields. Use the ’>’-button to add fields, use the ’<’-button to remove fields.
To insert a field in the list on the right: select a field in the list on the right and click the ’>’-button, the added field wil be inserted above the selected field.
To be able to add fields again simply deselect the current selection by clicking below the last field in the list.

After the fields are added select the delimiter that is used in the CSV file.

Check the box ’Overwrite existing data’ if the current data must be overwritten with the new data.
Keep in mind that all person data will be removed, including: gallery images, matches and reference images.

Click on the ’Import’-button to start the import.
If some of the steps above is skipped an information dialog appears which states what is missing.

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