*Characteristics of Intelligent Video Analysis (VCA)

*Characteristics of Intelligent Video Analysis (VCA)

Technical Article | TA-20201001-TP-01

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | Requirements

Implementation of intelligent image analysis system is a recursive process, not limited to the installation of equipment but it requires time-consuming calibration verification based on a number of conditions including such as angles of incidence, the number of moving parts in the image, the characteristics of the formation of the crowd. The complexity of the analysis of the factors causing the image that these systems can not be deprived of a certain ratio of falsehood of information.

Despite the level of noise, these systems exhibit a standalone important from the point of view of the Investor functionalities:

Increase the safety of the object by automatism in detection of alarm situations Relieve the operator from the permanent observation of plenty cameras thus eliminating the lack of efficacy Trends of visitors during the day, month, year and anomalies such as fluctuations, sudden decrease of visitors amount  or check the implementation of a new marketing strategy. Immediately finding interesting events by performing post fact analysis of images – forensic search

Image analysis systems are configured for the specific detection scenario - each type of analysis requires a very specific point of camera settings, lighting conditions etc. described in detail in the following sections of this paper. For this reason, despite having the function of adaptive significant changes of external conditions such as dynamic changes in the solar lighting conditions, the accumulation of crowds can significantly affect the analysis efficiency.  All implementations in heterogeneous conditions can cause interference and the need for continuous redefinition of criteria, parameters and settings.

The system should be operated by trained personnel with the experience of security services, who are pragmatic experience in the field of protection of objects. You have to have in mind here that it is a system that supports action by the operator is therefore always advisable further verification of the events following the observed anomalies by image analysis system and transfer it through the window alarm - but not entirely replace the role of the operator.

Note:TKH Security is not responsible for the accuracy of the analyzes carried out the image. Supplier is not responsible for the accuracy of the analysis and the events occurring on the subject of the Investor.You acknowledge that you are aware that the application can be changed in the operation due to the development of technology applications and algorithms.


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