*Greece - GR / GR1 / GR2

*Greece - GR / GR1 / GR2

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-134

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Europe |

GR - Module


Passenger standard since 2004

Standard passenger plate with euroband at the left side.

Plate size & position:
525x130mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Trailer standard since 2004

Standard trailer plate with euroband at the left side.

Plate size & position:
425x130mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
Pddddd, Pdddd


Truck standard since 2004

Standard truck plates with euroband at the left side.

Plate size & position:
525x130mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
IAEdddd ,EKAdddd, EKBdddd, EKEdddd, NXAdddd, NXYdddd


Taxi standard since 2004

Taxi plate

Plate size & position:
525x130mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
TAAdddd, TABdddd, TAEdddd, TAZdddd, TAHdddd


Twoline since 2004

Twoline plates with euroband at the left side.

Plate size & position:
185x120mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
lll/ddd, lll/ddd, lll/ddddd

GR1 - Module


Passenger standard rear 1983-2004

Standard black on white passenger plate.

Plate size & position:
425x110mm, black on white, rear

Plate style:


Passenger standard front 1983-2004

Standard black on white passenger plate.

Plate size & position:
330x100mm, black on white, front

Plate style:


Trailer standard until 2004

Standard black on white trailer plate.

Plate size & position:
425x130mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
Pddddd, Pdddd


Truck standard until 2004

Standard black on yellow truck plates.

Plate size & position:
525x130mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
IAEdddd ,EKAdddd, EKBdddd, EKEdddd, NXAdddd, NXYdddd

GR2 - Module


Various official vehicles 1

Various official vehicles. IE police, fire service and government vehicles.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, dark on bright, front and rear

Plate style:
llldddd, lllddddd, lldddd, llddddd, llddCD, lldddCD, llddddCD


Various official vehicles 2

Various official vehicles. IE police, fire service and government vehicles.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, bright on dark, front and rear

Plate style:
llldddd, lllddddd, lldddd, llddddd, llddCD, lldddCD, llddddCD