*Using Dummy cameras

*Using Dummy cameras

Configuration Article | CA-20220603-MS-01

VDG Sense | Misc |

With VDG Sense it is possible to use recorded or exported VDG Sense videodata as a live camera stream. This can be usefull for demo or testing purposes. This function is not available by default, but can be enabled by changing the configuration on the Client station and on the Server. For instance the exported videodata from VDG Sense can be used as live camera stream.

Client configuration

The cameratype for ‘dummy’ video data is called ‘Dummy’. This cameratype is not available by default in the list of camera types and needs to be activated manually. To do this follow this procedure:

  1. Close the client software completely. Just signing-off is not sufficient.

2. Open the file ‘SenseClient.ini’ which is located in the client settings folder by typing in 

%appdata%/TKH Security/SenseClient/settings in explorer.

3. Lookup the item [DummyGetThread] and change the value to 1, see below:

Server configuration

The default location for ‘dummy’ video data is C:\Program Files\TKH Security\Sense\Program\DummyThread where the folder ‘DummyThread’ needs to be created manually. It is recommended to use a different location for the dummy video due to windows security issues in the ‘Program Files’ folder. To change the location of this folder follow this procedureClose ‘SenseVideoManager’ by stopping the service using ‘SenseMonitor’ which is located in the system tray

  1. Open the file ‘SenseVideoManager.ini’ which is located in the server settings folder: 

C:\ProgramData\VDG Security\SenseVideoManager\Settings

2. Lookup the item [DummyDir] and change the value to the root folder of where the videodata should be located.

3. Create this folder, for instance ‘C:\DummyStreams’.

4. Within this folder create a numbered sub folder for each dummy stream. Only numbers can be used, as VDG Sense will use these numbers as stream channels.

5. Assuming videofiles from a SenseExport are used, go to the SenseExport folder and select all DATA and INDEX files (can be multiple files).

6. Copy these files in the dummy stream map of your choice.

7. Repeat the above steps for all dummy streams you would like to create, each time creating a new map with a unique number (2, 3, 4 etc…)

8. Start Sense Video Manager service (use the VDG Sense Tray Monitor or go to Windows Services).

Configure dummy camera

Now that both the SenseVideoManager and SenseClient are configured to accept dummy cameras, we can add the dummy cameras the the configuration.

  1. Start SenseClient and login as ‘administrator’

2. Go to the settings section and open the  ‘Devices’ tab

3. Add camera and use the following settings:

IP address: (any valid ip address is accepted)
Driver: Dummy
Video channel: number must correspond with a map number, as described in point 4 of the server configuration. Example: ‘1’

4. Repeat the above steps for all dummy streams you would like to create, each time creating a new device with a unique videochannel (2, 3, 4 etc…)

5. If the original video was recorded with a framerate lower than 25, the actual framerate can be modified in the ‘Profiles’ tab.

If the folder for the DummyStreams is incorrect it will show a videostream with a clock (UTC time), see below:


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