*Herta Setup v2

Technical Article | TA-20220127-MH-02

VDG Sense | Third party Integrations | Herta

This article applies to VDG Sense version 2.6.10 and higher

The VDG Sense - Herta integration runs in a separate service managing the connection between Herta and VDG Sense. The setup for this service can be downloaded <here> and it is recommended to install this on the VDG Sense Management server.

The events from Herta which can be handled by VDG sense are:

  • FaceMatch

  • FaceFound

Herta Setup

VDG Sense needs to connect to the TCP port defined in the Herta interface. This is not enabled by default in the Herta configuration. See below for a sample from Herta displaying the required configuration. 

Sense Herta Setup

When starting the SenseHertaSetup the first screen is the license agreement. Press ‘I Agree’ to continue

Next screen shows which version is included in the setup and which version is installed. Press ‘next’ to continue.

Next screen shows which components need to be installed. Press ‘next’ to continue.

Next screen shows installation directory. Press ‘next’ to continue.

Next screen shows Herta configuration required to let the service connect to Herta.

  • Host: IP Address of Herta machine

  • Port: TCP port in Herta configuration

  • Username: If enabled in Herta, the username to login

  • Password: If enabled in Herta, the password to login

  • UseSSL: If enabled in Herta, use SSL for communication with Herta

Press ‘next’ to continue.

Following screen shows VDG Sense configuration required to let the service connect to VDG Sense


  • Host: IP Address of VDG Sense machine

  • Port: HTTP port of VDG Sense machine

  • Username: The username to login into VDG Sense

  • Password: The password to login into VDG Sense

Press ‘Install’ to start the installation.

Press ‘Finish’ to close the setup.

After installation the SenseHerta Service should be visible in windows services list. Any change in the Sense configuration (updated camera list for instance), requires the service to be restarted.

Any camera added to Herta configuration is linked by name with cameras configured in VDG Sense (on any server). So it is vital the camera names are the same and to no change. If not VDG Sense will not show FaceMatch events for cameras which do not have corresponding camera names.

Time synchronization between Herta and VDG Sense is vital. Make sure both systems synchronize with the same time server. 

Operator Functions

Once Herta is enrolled with one or more persons it can recognize people. The screenshot below shows the operator interface in Herta and a recognition of a person, in this case ‘John Doe’: 

The event Herta generates is then send to VDG Sense as a ‘FaceMatch’ event, see below (not to be confused with FaceR Match event): 

The event has the following values:

  • Full name=[Herta defined name of person] (John Doe) 

  • Confidence=[Herta defined Confidence] (99) 

  • Group=[Herta defined Group name] (Sunglasses) 

  • Id=[Herta defined Id] (123456) 


The FaceMatch events can be used in the VDG Sense Macro engine for automate certain procedures. For instance to play an audio message when there is a FaceMatch event. First the example screenshot below does not use any of the parameters in the event value and will start the procedure for any FaceMatch event. 

Second example uses the ‘Group’ parameter in the FaceMatch value to only play an audio alarm for those event matches from persons in group ‘Sunglasses’. This way you can define different behavior for different groups of people.  

The input field has value %Group=Sunglasses% which means if this value is present in the FaceMatch event value, it will trigger this macro and start the (action) procedure.Â