*Personal information on acces card

*Personal information on acces card

How To Article | HTA-20220531-LG-29

iProtect Access / Security | How To Articles |

What kind of data is being stored on an acces card.

Card number:

There are two types of cards being used by iProtect.

Sector card number:

This number is encrypted with a key and stored in a sector on the card. This number can only be read out with TKH readers.

When a card number in the system is with 4 or 6 digits, the card is sector encoded.

Chip Serial number:

The serial number is an unique number of the Mifare/Desfire chip.

When the serial number is used, this number is not encrypted on the chip and can be read out with all kinds ot readers (NFC, Mobile phones).

In case of a Mifare card, the number can be cloned to an other card.

Personal information:


A fingerprint can be stored when using fingerprint readers (Voxio / PGH). This is stored as a Hash, so only the fingerprint readers can verify the fingerprint.

Name, photo etc.

Name, Photo and other data are not encoded or saved on the acces card.

Of course, with printed cards there are photos and personal data on the card.


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