*iProtect™ - Walk route

*iProtect™ - Walk route

This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.

Table of contents

1. Introduction

A walk route is a way to manage and control the translocation of one or multiple people from A to B. Entrees between A and B could be made a part of the walk route. The walk route can be used for, but is not limited to, guards, employees, visitors, prisoners etc.

The walk route requires not only one or multiple persons registered in iProtect™ (Refer to User Manual *iProtect™ Persons), but also certain setups. Refer to Chapter 3 in this manual for the setup of the walk route and for the function definitions to Chapter 6.

2. Support and license

Below is an overview of support for both the hardware and the software, including the necessary license:


Support form


License/Part number


Support form


License/Part number



 One time only functionality

45: Reader round


 Guard tour functionality

3. Walk route

3.1 Walk Route Types

A walk route can be divided into two types:

  1. One time only functionality

  2. Guard tour functionality

3.1.1 One Time Only Functionality

The “One time only” functionality has been implemented within iProtect™ and is applicable on version 10.3 or higher. It concerns the type:

  • One time only, de-assign after completed walk route

The purpose of this functionality is to make it possible that a person can translocate from A to B one time only and that the system has the capability to perform a check if this person has followed the walk route accordingly.

This is a common walk route which is being used for prisoners, but this can for example also be used for visitors.

The best way to describe this walk route type is as follows:

Within this walk route a person has to present his/ her card to the readers within the specified time and, in case set active, the specified sequence. The walk route will be automatically revoked/ de-assigned as soon as the walk route has been completed or when a specific “Revoke when time exeeds” option was set active.

When a revoke took place which does not applies to a completed walk route an event will be generated by the system by default. If you prefer to get an alarm message via the alarm handler (Ex.a.) the event settings should be as per system default. If not the setup as per chapter 3.1 Event Settings is to be followed.

In addition when a walk route is revoked it is to be noted that the person will be blocked between the entrances and further guidance by an authorized person will be required. The alarm messages must be reset and or accepted within the alarm handler pup-up manually. This will not be applicable when chapter 3.1 was followed.

Location: General | Alarm handler

3.1.2 Guard Tour Functionalities

The “Guard Tour” functionality has been implemented within iProtect™ and is applicable on version 8.03 or higher. It concerns the types:

  • Cyclic start time

  • No enforced start time

  • Timezone based access

The purpose of this functionality is to make it possible that a person can translocate from A to B in several ways and that the system can perform a check if this person has followed the chosen walk route and its settings.

The best way to describe these walk route types is as follows:

Based on the chosen walk route and the further setup of this walk route you have more or less restrictions during the walk route.

As an example, guards whom need to do their security round need to have a more flexible type of access to go from A to B than what is needed for a prisoner, they might need to be able to repeat their rounds or they need to be able to access locations at any time without being limited by time. For this the different guard tour functionalities and the several options will provide the solution suitable for the guard and its purpose within a building.

4. Setup Walk Route

4.1 Event Settings

The following settings should be checked within the event settings:

  • Default confirm handling should be set active in action list (Refer to Ex.a.)

  • Action details for Default confirm handling should be set on “User action” in the section Operation. (Refer to Ex.b)



Location: General | Settings | Event settings | Events | Click Search | Confirm subscriber card access

4.2 Create Walk Route

Once the event settings are checked and set the correct way you will be able to continue with the next step which is creating the walk route. Once you know which walk route type suits the purpose you will be able to setup the walk route. In below Chapters 3.2.1 until 3.2.4 it is shown which field settings are mandatory and which are optional and include some examples of settings for the different walk route types.

Location: Access | Settings | Walk route | Add walk route

4.2.1 Walk Route Type - One Time Only

In below table it is described which fields are having Default settings, are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional, using the “One time only” walk route type. Refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Maximum duration (04:00:00)


Authorization group

Maximum request duration (00:05:00)


Auto start

Reader LED signaling

Maximum duration

Reader LED signaling

Assigned persons required

Maximum request duration (when auto start is not used)

Assigned persons required

Revoke when time is exceeded (No)


Revoke when time is exceeded (No, On any failure or On timeout)

Sequence based access

Sequence based access


(Next) Walk route

Foreground colour

Background colour

Below mentioned Ex.a. is an example without auto start and Ex.b. is an example with auto start. Both Examples do not contain a next walk route and the walk route will revoke when the time exceeds on timeout only.



4.2.2 Walk Route Type - Cyclic Start Time

In below table it is described which fields are having Default settings, are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional, using the “Cyclic start time” walk route type. Refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Maximum duration (04:00:00)


Authorization group

Maximum request duration (00:05:00)


Auto start

Reader LED signaling

Repeat after ( as a minimum this shall be the set maximum request duration time + 2 minutes)

Reader LED signaling

Assigned persons required

Maximum duration

Assigned persons required

Revoke when time is exceeded (No)

Maximum request duration (when auto start is not used)

Revoke when time is exceeded (No, On any failure or On timeout)

Sequence based access

Maximum request duration (when auto start is not used)

Sequence based access



(Next) Walk route

Foreground colour

Background colour

Below mentioned Ex.a. is an example of the Cyclic start time walk route with the default settings, but with the sequence based access set inactive and a set repeat time of 7 minutes. If the sequence based access is set active than the person must present his/her card in the order the readers have been set and when applicable within the set “arrive within” time which can be set on each reader. In this example it is set inactive which means that you are not forced to follow the order the readers have been set and as well an “arrive within” time will not be applicable. The above mentioned sequence based access and the arrive within time where officially set active for the default settings of this walk route type, but it is to be noted that it can be used on every walk route type there is. It is up to your needs specifically if and when you want to apply these optional options and if they provide you with your needs and purposes.

The purpose of this walk route type is to provide the ability to automatically repeat a walk route at a certain moment, however if you completed the walk route within the set maximum request duration time you will already be able to repeat the walk route again.

Complete revoke/ de-assign of this walk route type is to be done manually. However there is a possibility to automatically revoke a “walk route schedule activity”. The activity will be revoked once the set walk route activity set end time has been reached or when a specific revoke when time is exceeded has been selected within the walk route itself and the walk route had been aborted. In order to have this ability, the revoke walk route option, which is available in the walk route schedule activity details (Refer to chapter 3.6) , has to be set active.

The system will not generate any transaction for the seperate activities. Once the time has been reached the activity is just no longer a part of the walk route anymore or when a walk route has been revoked the system will generate the a transaction that the walk route have been aborted. Only when the walk route has been fully completed a transaction will be generated.

4.2.3 Walk Route Type - No Enforced Start Time

In below table it is described which fields are having Default settings, are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional, using the “No enforced start time” walk route type. Refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Maximum duration (04:00:00)


Authorization group

Maximum request duration (00:05:00)


Auto start

Reader LED signaling

Maximum duration

Reader LED signaling

Assigned persons required

Maximum request duration (when auto start is not used)

Assigned persons required

Revoke when time is exceeded (No)


Revoke when time is exceeded (No, On any failure or On timeout)

Sequence based access

Sequence based access


(Next) Walk route

Foreground colour

Background colour

Below mentioned Ex.a. is an example of the “No enforced start time” walk route with the default settings.

The purpose of this walk route type is to allow a person to enter the entrances within the maximum duration of the walk route however the walk route itself must be started within the set Maximum request duration time which is in this case 5 minutes.

If the person has presented his/ her card to all the readers within the walk route, iProtect™ will register the walk route as completed within the events, however the walk route remains active for the remaining duration of the walk route. Meaning, the person remains able to enter all the entrances as many times as required. Once the walk route time is exceeded a message will be send via the alarm handler pop-up with the message “Person did not finish walk route on time”. The walk route is to be closed manually and the the message in the alarm handler is to be reset.

Below an example Ex.b. of the event results of the completed walk route.



4.2.4 Walk Route Type - Timezone Based Start Time

In below table it is described which fields are having Default settings, are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional, using the “Timezone based start time” walk route type. Refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Maximum duration (04:00:00)


Authorization group

Maximum request duration (00:05:00)


Auto start

Reader LED signaling


Reader LED signaling

Assigned persons required

Maximum duration

Assigned persons required

Revoke when time is exceeded (No)

Maximum request duration (when auto start is not used)

Revoke when time is exceeded (No, On any failure or On timeout)

Sequence based access


Sequence based access


(Next) Walk route

Foreground colour

Background colour

The purpose of this walk route type is that a person can follow a walk route based upon the set days and time mentioned in the time zone.

Below example Ex.a. will tell you that the walk route is set time zone based, will have a duration of 10 hours, automatically starts for all assigned persons and that the persons whom are assigned to this walk route do not need to follow up on the sequence the readers have been set. If you do want that the sequence of the readers is being followed than this option should be set active.

In addition to this walk route type it is to be explained that a person can only follow this walk route if the time zone set days, time range and the set walk route schedule/ activity allowes it to. If there is a deviation at the time of presenting a card than there will not be granted access at all or to the particular reader. Below are two examples:

  1. If the person presents his/her card to one of the readers from the walk route while according the timezone this person is not yet being expected to follow the walk route, than access will not be granted.

  2. If the set walk route schedule/ activity says that the walk route will start on date X till X and between 08:00 AM and 06:00 PM than the person will not be able to enter the location untill the set start time is reached.

Meaning, the time zone settings as well as the walk route schedule/ activity settings are leading when it comes to be able on following this walk route. (Refer to chapter 3.4 on how to create a time zone and to chapter 3.5 and 3.6 on how to create the walk route schedule/ activity).

4.3 Create Walk Route Readers

Once the walk route is set you will be able to continue with the next step which is setting up the walk route readers.

There can be assigned multiple readers to a walk route. All of these readers together are the complete walk route (Ex.a).

The behavior within the walk route has to be determined within each reader. If you have chosen to activate the Sequence based access within your walk route setup you will have extra fields appearing in the walk route reader setup (Refer to Ex.b.). Note: This will not be mandatory to fill in and is depending on the needs and purpose of the walk route.

In the table further down below it is described what fields are Mandatory or Optional for the setup of a walk route reader and kindly refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items, however there is one setting in particular which requires a more detailed explanation with regards to finishing the walk route, which is “Alternative”.

Within the definitions it is stated that alternative means that the reader(s) are an alternative door within the order of the walk route. Meaning you could only have just one door in the particular environment (alternative a), but it could also be that you have two (or more) doors in the same environment but only one of the two may be chosen to enter. In that case you wil have to create two readers. One with the alternative a and one with the alternative b but both readers will start with the same number. (Refer to Ex.c.)

As visible in Ex.c. the readers with number 2 are according iProtect the last reader. This will mean that if the person present his/ her card to either reader 2 - a or 2 - b the system recognizes the walk route as completed because you can only choose one of the two doors to enter.

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields


Confirm access



Retry last reader (sec)


Minimum (mm:ss)

Maximum (mm:ss)

4.4 Create Time zone

Usually a time zone specifies on which days and within which time range a person or group of persons is expected or not being expected in a building, however with regards to the walk route it was explained in chapter 3.2.4 that a timezone specifies when a person is allowed to follow a walk route or not. This time zone does not determines the walk route, unless the “Timezone based start time” was chosen as the walk route type.

In below table it is described which fields are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional.

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields


Authorization group

Position (time)

Only when network is offline


Office mode offline locks

There are two ways to set the Position (time) - Refer to Ex.a. and Ex.b.

When setting the position (time) when adding the time zone than click with the right mouse button on a particular day which is marked in red, click “Add time zone element”, than drag the green bar to the specific timelines the person should have access. (Both left and right side drag is possible). Repeat this action for each individual day.

You can created the time zone element without using the position (time) bars and manually type in which days and time range the person should have access. If this is preffered than you can just save the time zone without setting up the position (time). Right mouse click in the treeview on the created time zone and press “Add time zone element”.

4.5 Create Walk Route Schedule

Once the walk route reader(s) are set and if required the time zone, you will be able to continue with the next step which is creating the walk route schedule (Refer to Ex.a.).

In below table it is described which fields are having Default settings, are Mandatory to fill in and which are Optional. Refer to chapter 6 for the definitions of these items.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

No walk route schedule activity overlap active


Authorization group

Cycle days (7)

Cycle days


Start date (date of creation)

Start date



End date

No walk route schedule activity overlap

4.6 Create Walk Route Schedule Activity

Once the walk route schedule is set you will be able to continue with the next step which is creating the walk route schedule activity or activities (Refer to Ex.a.).

In below table it is described what fields are Mandatory or Optional for creating a walk route schedule activity.

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Default Settings

Mandatory Fields

Optional Fields

Start time (00:00)

Relative start day

Automatically assign walk route

Revoke walk route (active)

Start time

Revoke walk route


Relative end day


End time

Walk route

Once the walk route schedule activity is set you must go to another location to set the walk route schedule active to a specific person or persons. (Refer to Ex.b.).




4.7 Activation Walk Route

Once the above steps of Chapter 3.1 to 3.6 have been completed you will already be able to activate the walk route, however there might be one or two extra steps required in some cases which are:

  1. Activating the Walk route schedule activity

  2. Activate the walk route readers

If it will be required for the person(s) to follow the activities set in the walk route than an activation of the walk route schedule activity to the person is required (Refer to Ex.a.).

If the person is a participant in the walk route, but need to have default access anyhow than the walk route readers must be set active to the person(s) (Refer to Ex.b.).

When the above is required and you have activated either one of them or both, than you can acitivate the walk route (Ex.c.) and the person(s) will be able to follow the walk route as per settings.

5. Events/ Transactions and Walk Route Status

iProtect™ has the ability to trace the walk route (Ex.a). You can exactly see when a walk route have been requested, activated, started, completed, when access was denied etc.

Once a walk route have been activated you can look up the status of the walk route (Ex.a.). For each person this location shows live details.

When a walk route was not yet activated than the status is not available in this location.

6. Lockdown

Within iProtect™ a safety messure have been implemented for the walk route, which is called “Lockdown”. The purpose of this lockdown is to provide the ability to have all walk routes and all persons whom are attending a walk route in lockdown. Meaning, the walk route is set on pause and all persons will be locked between the entrees where they received access to at last and that they are unable to continue with the walk route untill the lockdown have been released.

As an example, if a certain situation takes place within a prison it might be necessary to set the walk route(s) in complete lockdown untill the situation have been solved. This helps to not loose control of the translocations of the people, the guards can safely do their jobs and that a smooth continuation of the walk route(s) can take place as soon as the walk route is released from its lockdown.

When a lockdown have been activated and or is being released, the remaining time mentioned on the walk route overview is aswell set on pause when the lockdown takes place and does it continues the countdown as soon as the lockdown is released.

7. Function Definitions

7.1 Walk Route









A description for the end user which makes it clear which walk route this concerns



Defines which walk route type have been chosen

Auto start


Determines if a walk route automatically starts as soon as it has been assigned

Maximum duration


Defines for a person the maximum time limit to follow-up the walk route after assignment (the minimum is at least one minute). If a person does not finish the walk route within the set time a alarm message will be send to the alarm handler “Walkroute alarm”>”Person did not finished the walk route in time

Maximum request duration


Defines for a person the maximum time limit where, after assignment, the walk route must be started

Reader LED Signaling


Controlling the RS485 card readers with an active walk route and when a walk route is being paused

Assigned persons required


A check function to set the condition to start a walk route for all assigned persons

Revoke when time is exceeded (No)


The walk route and person will not be revoked / de-assigned when the time is exceeded, however when the one time only walk route type has been selected the person will automatically be revoked/ de-assigned as soon as the walk route have been completed.

Revoke when time is exceeded (On any failure)


When the one time only walk route type is selected the walk route and person will be revoked / de-assigned once any deviation from the walk route took place. When one of the guard tour walk route types was selected the walk route will only be aborted and the walk route is automatically being reactivated.

Revoke when time is exceeded (On timeout)


When the one time only walk route type is selected the walk route and person will be revoked / de-assigned once the person did not reached the next reader within the set time. When one of the guard tour walk route types was selected the walk route will only be aborted and the walk route is automatically being reactivated.

Sequence based access


Requires a person to always present his/ her card during the walk route to a reader in the order the readers have been set. Once the access was granted to a previous reader only than the person will be authorized to get access to the next reader in line

Next walk route


This walk route will be assigned within iProtect™ as soon as the previous walk route have been successfully completed



The colour of the activities (Walk routes). Only visible in external the software programm

7.2 Walk Route Readers









With the alternative option it is being determined that the reader(s) are an alternative door within the order of the walk route. In case there are no alternative doors within the walk route alternative “a” shall be used by default



The number determines which position/ sequential number the reader(s) have within the walk route

Confirm access


This determines the “conditional” or “unconditional” behavior of the reader(s) within the walk route. If this option was activated for a reader, the behavior will be equal to the reader mode “Confirm”, for those card holders whom have been assigned to the walk route. Meaning, a confirm access request is being generated via the alarm handler. In case this is not wanted the option should not be set active and the reader mode should be set on “Automatically”

Retry last reader


The time set gives the person the opportunity to gain access to the same door again by representing the card to the reader again. This in case the card was presented to the reader the previous time, but the person did not physically entered the door.

Arrive within


This allows time alarms to be set on individual readers within the walk route



The reader belonging to the specified number and alternative

7.3 Walk Route Schedule









A description for the end user which makes it clear which walk route schedule this concerns



Short naming for “Name”. Optional field

Cycle days


Defines the number of days a walk route schedule endures

No walk route activity overlap


With this option iProtect™ sets the condition that the activities in the walk route schedule may not overlap each other

Start and End date


Determines the start date of the cycle days and the end date of the walk route schedule

7.4 Walk Route Schedule Activity







Relative start day


Defines on which day the activity in the schedule starts, calculated from the start date set in the walk route schedule

Relative end day


Defines on which day the activity in the schedule ends, calculated from the start date set in the walk route schedule

Start time


Determines the start time of the activity on the relative start day

End time


Determines the end time of the activity on the relative start day

Automatically assign walk route


When set active, the activity will automatically be assigned to the person on the relative start day and start time

Revoke walk route


When set active, the person will be de-assigned from the walk route schedule activity as soon as the relative end day and end time has finished and/ or when the revoke on any failure or on timeout had been set active within the walk route and a revoke/ abort took place.

Walk route


The walk route belonging to the specific walk route schedule activity

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