How to configure gmail notifications in the 1004 and 1103 series cameras

Below are steps to follow in order to successfully configure Gmail notification in our 1004 and 1103series cameras line:


1-/ First of all please refer to Google Mail about (How to enable the App password in Gmail) to generate an App Password in your Gmail account. Please refer to the link below:

2-/ Make sure you've forwarded the TLS port 587 through your router since Google has stopped SSL= port 465 encryptions for Gmail.

3-/ Make sure you've properly configured your Gateway on the GUI of the camera then save and reboot the camera.



4-/ Select TLS and enable STARTTLS encryptions in the Mail setting on the GUI (SSL encryption is being discontinued for Gmail)



5-/ Use your generated App password for your Gmail account password / confirmation and enable Authentication then save.

6-/ Set the << Receiver's address >> as your Gmail mail-address.


7-/ When the above steps are properly configured you should get a << Testing Succeeded >> prompt on the GUI by clicking <<TEST>> as shown below:


8-/ Check you Gmail inbox, you should receive a confirmation mail from your configured camera like for example: << PD1103Z2-EI: test mail ===>> this is a test mail from PD1103Z2-EI