Installation Manual | IM-20210309-TP-2720250214 iProtect Access / Security | Installation | View file | | name | IM-20210309-TP-27.pdf
Table of contents
Table of Contents |
This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.
1. Introduction
iProtect maintenance page is a page where only IPROTECT Application related issues can be set, queried or updates can be performed. Server and OS related settings are set through Cockpitpanel.
2. Maintenanace page
Within Cockpit, you must enable the iProtect Maintenance page. For security reasons, this is off by default.
Info |
The maintenance page (no user action) is automatically disabled after 20 minutesAfter a successful login the below system status page will show, explanation from this page in the system menu. |
2.2 Functions in outline
The System Maintenance window displays the following menu buttons:
The system buttons shows a quick overview of the current system information.
3. Details of the features
The IPROTECT Menu gives access to the following items:
Start a backup or change backup settings.
wwwqq iProtect™ Services
The iProtect™ services page shows you and let you configure the services from iProtect™ database.
You can enter the maximum percentage the JAVA process may use. After changing setting press the save button. iProtect™ Certificate
The iProtect™ certificate windows let you configure the security certificates of iProtect™.
Delete certificate with options is to delete a non default certificate.
Import certificate is to import own certificate, this certificate has to be created by a certificate authority. To create the certificate files for the certificate authority please contact your dealer. iProtect™ Download
The iProtect™ backup menu let you configure the backup settings from the database.
Download the core files from the iProtect server to your PC. in case of big problems core files need to send to the support desk. iProtect™ Back up
The iProtect™ backup menu let you configure the backup settings from the database.
• The workgroup or domain name
• Possibly a subdirectory in the share
• The maximum amount of backups. If you enter e.g. 7 here, the first backup will be overwritten on day 8.
1.1.2 Server
The Server Menu gives access to the following items:
See and create additional routing for the network interface. Server Server
The server menu gives information about hostid of the server, it also alows you to reboot, restart and check the raid status of the server.
Displays the raid- and disc status. Only to be used for RAID functionality. Server Network
In the network page you can see and change settings about network related items.
In the top select the network interface you want to change and change the settings.
Only at one network interface a gateway or DNS (1/2) is allowed To remove the gateway or dns remove the ip address and save. Server Date and Time
In the date and time screen it's possible to see and change date and time settings of the iProtect server.
Here you can enter the time settings, please select your Timezone, and enter the correct time, it is also possible to enter an NTP server. Server Route
In the route screen it is possible to add or remove additional network routers.
For an additional route you can select the Network card and fill in the IP address range, netmask en the additional gateway reachable by the specified Network card. For deleting an additional route just press the delete button.
1.1.3 Network Device
In this menu it is possible to check if iProtect™ network devices can be reached over the network, You can also send software to iProtect™ network devices.
For uploading the nodemanager software specifie the IP address of the networkdevice and push the button with the devicename or type. For a polyx D+ only upload the keystore with the keystore button.
1.1.4 UPS
In this menu it is possible to check if iProtect™ sever has a good connection to an additional UPS, when a power failure occurs the server will continue running for a certain time.
Starts the UPS demon
Stops the UPS demon
1.1.5 Install
In this menu it is possible to upgrade the software of the iProtect™ server, in case of problems after an update you can also decide to go back to an earlier version.
This button will start important checks to see if it is safe to do an update.
Green items are OK
Orange items are not OK, but wont block an update, for example not uploading a new license.
Red items are not OK and will block an update, for example an non communicating line with an active checkbox, the nodemanager can't be updated in this situation, so this will block the update.
Checked items:
Checking for panic messages.
Checking space
Checking java/tomcat version
Checking iPuntu version
Checking apache certificate.
Checking package architecture.
Checking backup.
Checking time settings.
Checking system state.
Checking presence of discontinued stellars.
Checking lines.
It is also possible to remove old versions from the system to create disc space.
1.1.6 Logging
The logging page is used for logging system events in case of problems, may time the supportdesk niet information from the log files.
If you want to refresh the log press the refresh button, if you want to download them press the download button.
1.1.7 System
This page shows the status of the iProtect™ server and the iProtect™ processes.