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Installation Manual | IM-2025021420250225

iProtect Access / Security | Installation |

View file
nameKB-IPROTECT Access - Maintenance page-270225-095519.pdf

Table of contents

Table of Contents

... General

When choosing the iProtect™ iProtect services page, automatic the process list from iProtect™ iProtect will be visible, for an update of the information you can press the Process list button.


From the above 4 processes only kp77node is optional and depending on the configuration, the 3 other processes are required for a good functioning normal iProtect™ iProtect system.
When a 'S' is displayed (Below STAT) the process running and waiting for an event,

  • if an 'r' is displayed, the process is running and processing events.

  • If iProtect™ iProtect is not running on the server, you will see 'no iProtect™ iProtect Processes'

If you are in doubt about the status contact the support desk.


If for one reason you and other system users cannot log in to iProtect™ iProtect and the line with java is not shown in the process list you can press this button to restart the User interface. After a couple of seconds you can log in again.


This commend stopts the database properly

Start database

Start the iProtect™ iProtect database. (Because the software of iProtect™ iProtect automatically starts by switching the server on this command is rarely used.)



Use this following command only after consulting the helpdesk or a consultant of TKH Security! Otherwise undesired effects can occur, e.g. failing of the lines! Configuration


In active services you can select the processes running on this local server. In some cases it might be useful to disable some services, please consult you local dealer.

Database: The Database is normally running local, you can also choose to let the database run on a remote server, in this case choose for remote and enter the IP address of the remote server.
(The box to enter the IP address of the remote server will appear when selecting remote).

Video: when using camera's you can set the video services to yes, If you use a external video server you can leave this option to no. In the user interface you can give the ip adress of this server.

User Interface: When 'yes' is selected the user interface of this server is running. If this is a remote database server (see Database) you can disable the user interface.

After changing setting press the save button.


Use this following command only after consulting the helpdesk or a consultant of TKH Security BV! Otherwise undesired effects can occur.


You can enter the maximum percentage the JAVA process may use. After changing setting press the save button.

3.1.2 Certificate

The iProtect™ iProtect certificate windows let you configure the security certificates of iProtect. You have two options. General or Configurartions.: Configurartion or Download,




Without any values pressing the list button shows the certificates:

For example:

Keystore type: JKS
Keystore provider: SUN

Your keystore contains 1 entry

tomcat, Mar 20, 2014, PrivateKeyEntry,
Certificate fingerprint (SHA1):

Default certificate name is tomcat (based on the -in iProtect™- used webserver), when you fill in 'tomcat' based on the name of de as an alias more specified certificate info is displayed about this tomcat certificate.


Alias name: tomcat
Creation date: Mar 20, 2014
Entry type: PrivateKeyEntry
Certificate chain length: 1
Owner: CN=, OU=iProtect, O=TKH-Keyprocessor, L=Amsterdam,
ST=Netherlands, C=nl
Issuer: CN=, OU=iProtect, O=TKH-Keyprocessor, L=Amsterdam,
ST=Netherlands, C=nl
Serial number: 61615e53
Valid from: Thu Mar 20 15:39:35 CET 2014 until: Thu Apr 19 16:39:35 CEST 2018
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 15:70:89:2A:22:53:AF:A1:81:43:99:2E:EA:62:F5:A4
SHA1: 1D:33:77:FE:B6:04:AC:FE:06:A7:5D:C7:0D:3C:AE:2D:E1:3A:2E:97
Signature algorithm name: SHA1withRSA
Version: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: 8E 94 39 E2 89 9A 65 17 48 1F E3 95 3B 00 38 6D ..9...e.H...;.8m
0010: 84 E3 64 EE ..d.

] Configuration


Create: With create certificate you can create a default 'tomcat' certificate.

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er you can delete the default 'tomcat' certificate.

Delete certificate with options is to delete a non default certificate.
Import certificate is to import own certificate, this certificate has to be created by a certificate authority. To create the certificate files for the certificate authority please contact your dealer.

3.1.3 Download

The iProtect™ backup menu let you configure the backup settings from the database.


The screens shows the following buttons:


Download a backup from your iProtect™ server to your pc.

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If the database runs on a different server than the GUI (graphic user interface) or the iNVR-server, you can download here a .taz-file from the database server and upload it (with 'upload to server') to the iNVR/ GUI server.


Download all relevant server information (e.g. for our supportdesk) to your pc.

The file obtains:
• uname -a (OS version)
• Ubuntu release
• iPuntu release
• iProtect version
• Server date
• Bios date
• Timezone
• Uptime
• prstat / top
• netstat –n

• netstat –r
• df –h
• messages (last 2000)
• tomcat log (last 1000)
• Process list
• Show devices
• Samba backup settings
• Medium
• hostid
• RAID status
• Server settings
• Physical available server

• ARP show
• UPS status
• vmstat77


Download the iPuntu- and tomcat log from the iProtect server to your PC.


Download the core files from the iProtect server to your PC. in case of big problems core files need to send to the support desk.

3.1.4 Back up

The iProtect™ Install certificate: Upload a certificate

Upload CSR: The CSR validates the information the CA requires to issue a certificate Downlaod


CA certificate: Download CA certificate (.zip)

CSR certificate request: Download CSR certificate request file. (.CSR)

3.1.3 Back-up

The iProtect backup menu let you configure the backup settings from the database.




3.1 General


Backup - Start: By pressing the start button you can start the backup according to the settings in configuration.



3.2 Configuration


When selecting "local" at location the backup wil be stored on the local harddisk of the iProtect™ iProtect server.
This option is not very safe, when the hard disk crashes, also the backup may be lost.


When selecting "Samba client" at location the backup wil be stored on a remote samba client.

  • Name of the server for backups (including share)


  • IP address of the samba server


  • User name


  • Password


  • The workgroup or domain name


  • Possibly a subdirectory in the share


  • The maximum amount of backups. If you enter e.g. 7 here, the first backup will be overwritten on day 8. Download


Encrypted backup: Download a full (encrypted) backup, including GDPR data.


Key backup: Download a Key file.

For more information about the backup and restore procedure please consult this manual:*How to Restore an iProtect backup

3.1.4 Standby


Please consult this manual: *iProtect™ Stand-by Server

3.2 Server

3.2.1 Server

... General

Host id: Displays a unique number of the server Services

Please consult this manual: *iProtect™ Stand-by Server

3.3 Network devices

3.3.1 Upload

... General

IP-address: Enter the IP address of the device

IPU-8: Manually sending the Nodemanager file and keystore file to the device

Polyx: Manually sending the Nodemanager file and keystore file to the device

Keystore: Manually sending the keystore file to the device

3.4 UPS

3.4.1 UPS

In this menu it is possible to check if iProtect™ iProtect sever has a good connection to an additional UPS, when a power failure occurs the server will continue running for a certain time.


Show the status of the ups if supported
UPS is connected

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... General

Status: Shows the current status of the UPS demon:

UPS status example:

apcupsd.service - UPS power management daemon
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/apcupsd.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)
Docs: man:apcupsd(8)


apcupsd process not running or communications with UPS lost!

Start: Starts the UPS demon

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Stop: Stops the UPS demon

3.5 Install

3.5.1 Upgrade


In this menu it is possible to upgrade the software of the iProtect™ iProtect server, in case of problems after an update you can also decide to go back to an earlier version.


Use the following commands when you want to update your iProtect™ iProtect system. If you are in any doubt about something contact the support desk.







Use this button is to download upgrade
information. Configuration



Upload iProtect (1) : To upgrade a iProtect™ iProtect systen to another version you can go to the upgrade configuration tab and upload* the combination packet of gui and database (1) First select the file and then press the post button, while uploading the text "uploading..." will be visible.



in the file-path name it might happen 'fakepath' is visible, this is because of some code issues in your browser, and is





After a successful upload the result is:

SuccessExample iProtect, Status:

Your request was processed successfully :

File upload succeeded, starting autorun...Installing iprotectdb080113
Start installing new servbox
Now upload the new license file.

gpg: Signature made Mon Feb 3 22:00:29 2025 CET
gpg: using RSA key 4ABD6A406DCeA346884A34BDF5AFA6D1326DB8B0
gpg: Good signature from "Controller Key (Taz key) " [unknown]
gpg: WARNING: Using untrusted key!

Package verified iprotectdb-

Installing iprotectdb1004181356
For non English, Dutch or German systems upload the new language
Upgrade check started. Select 'Check requirements' for the results
Select 'Check requirements' later again if you want the
requirements 'rechecked'
end of autorun

After uploading the package a new serverbox version will be installed and you will be
redirected to this new serverbox version.


After uploading it is also possible to upload the license file (step2) and an additional language file (step3).


Check requirements (3): This button will start important checks to see if it is safe to do an update.

Green items are OK
Orange items are not OK, but wont block an update, for example not uploading a new license.
Red items are not OK and will block an update, for example an non communicating line with an active checkbox, the nodemanager can't be updated in this situation, so this will block the update.

Checked items:
Checking for panic messages.
Checking space
Checking java/tomcat version
Checking iPuntu version
Checking apache certificate.
Checking package architecture.
Checking backup.
Checking time settings.
Checking system state.
Checking presence of discontinued stellars.
Checking lines.

Checking nodes.
Checking Readers.
Checking current license.
Checking licenses.
When the update is blocked and you have red items, fix them in the current installed version, and then check requirements again.
When there are no red items you can do an upgrade bij pressing the start upgrade button.

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Warning level


None-critical (yellow)

Warning. Item is not ok but it will not stop the update.

Critical warning. (red)

This issue must be resolved before the update process can start.

When the following message appears, press: Start upgrade (5):


Real time logging will be displayed automatically to follow the upgrade. After a view minutes you can try to login to iProtect, while the system is still restoringupgrading. Previous version


Downgrade to Previous version:


After an upgrade in case of problems you can reinstall an old version, by selecting the version In the Reinstall menu and press the start button.




Reinstall: Select a version which needs to be reinstalled.


Be conscious of performing this action. Any already updated versions of controllers, among others, will be reset from version number.

Remove: When diskspace is needed, this gives this option to permanently delete old, unused versions. In doing so, never delete the previous version but possibly the versions before it.

3.6 Logging

The logging page is used for logging system events in case of problems, may time the supportdesk niet information from the log files.


3.6.1 General


There are several logs possible to show and download this may be helpfull when calling the support desk.

User interface


:this log show problems with the user interface and the java engine from the user interface

All log files


: this log shows all logs of user interface and server

Last log file: of the server

Realtime logging


: the realtime logging cannot be downloaded, if nessecery download the last log file.

If you want to refresh the log press the refresh button, if you want to download them press the download button.

3.6.1 Download


Logging: All log will be downloaded in a .taz file

Core: When a serious problem has occurred, a crash file may have been created. If it has been created by the system, it can be downloaded and shared with a help desk employee.

3.7 System

This page shows the status of the iProtect™ iProtect server and the iProtect™ iProtect processes.

System Status overview


3.7.1 Status

... General

This screen shows technical and software information of the server and the iProtect™ iProtect system, this may be helpful when you are contacting the support desk. It also show when the last backup is made, the settings of the NTP server etc.

Green: Status ok

Warning level


RedCritical (red)

Status is not ok. (For example nodes are set active but are not communicating).

YellowWarning (yellow)

Status ok but with warnings (For example lines are not communicating because they are set inactive).


Okay (green)

Status ok Download


Server info: Download file with all the necessary information from the server itself.