#3001: Ability to use none-default windows credentials for failover
#2255: CamAlarmInputHigh/Low for Brickcom camera doesn’t work in macros
#3107: Fit to Panel needs also be available for layout/panels that are send to NVH-1002 decoder
#3095: Framerate max 30fps for SiquraMegapixel cameras
#3056: Support for VBrick Mpeg 4stream
#3118: AXIS firmware PTZ support
#3099: Api: getServerStatus does not show video tag information
#3137: Black camera feed when switching from devices to live and back
#3078: Cannot delete last character in login window with backspace
#3087: Cannot end online deactivation after upgrade 2.3(SLA)/2.4
#3096: Commend station-camera link broken when receiving empty stationlist
#3076: Corrupted audio from Siqura cameras
#3092: DZC Keyboard: pressing keys exits sense client
#3100: Expiration date not set when importing CSV personlist
#3079: Filtered eventlist stops after going to ‘Settings’ mode
#3084: GetImageSequence negative limit does not function
#3057: Ignore line Siqura PID is ignored
#3121: Incorrect default password for discovered Siqura cameras
#3150: Macro ConnectionLoss – > Dome to Preset not working
#3169: Many small videoblocks after clean install
#3138: Min area box always uses perspective eventhough it is not activated
#3139: Min area box has big minimum size. Should be made smaller
#3155: Motion percentage not displayed when below threshold
#3146: No video if server has not been activated and DIVA had been installed before
#3190: Node ‘event_type’ is missing in GetEvens API function
#3109: Not able to finetune min and max character for CarR
#3133: Not able to finetune threshold and sensitity for motion settings
#3164: Not the latest VCA rules are send to Siqura PID device but previous instead
#3085: Playback trackbar adds one day
#3158: Plugin actions (viewer macros) are executed multiple times
#3173: Repaint issue in Profile tab
#3119: Right mouse click in unassigned video panels result in client crash
#3163: Saving VCA rules in client will freeze live video in VCA tab
#3159: Sense Client crash after enabling settings at Profiles
#3081: Sense should not always copy DIVA settings
#3152: Sense uninstall does not remove start menu shortcuts and uninstall folder
#3161: Sense video export didn’t export video data
#3162: Unable to save VCA rules to Siqura PID cameras
#3134: Upgrade from 2.3 to 2.4 does recognize 2.3 storage folder during installation
#3106: VideoTagging update and release malfunction
#3135: VideoTagging problems lockinfo