New Features
#141: DIVA server runs as a service
#651: RTSP Server Plugin
#667: Videowall License option restricts DIVA Client options
#696: extend API with commands: getStatusTypes and streamStatus
#716: API command to tell a client to login on a specific server
#760: Support for Samsung SNB-5001, SNB-7001, SND-3082
#765: Tray icon to monitor DivaServer and DivaManager
#812: API keep alive mechanism for all stream commands
#816: Support for Yuan analog grabber card
#818: Opgal camera integration
#819: CarR search: allow search without date/time or without a specific camera
#829: Allow 1 remote connection to a DIVA Base system
#844: Multicast and dual streaming for Samsung camera’s
#890: Faster login procedure
#917: Restore layouts on videowall systems
#918: New login screen
#919: Failover system improvements
#920: Restart DivaServer from DivaClient with a restart button
#921: Edit DIVA Server ini file from the DIVAClient GUI
#922: Edit DIVA Client ini file from the DIVAClient GUI
#923: Discover special Siqura devices
#924: DIVA Client header redesign
#925: Show menu to log out or close the DIVA Client