New Features
#3962 Siqura camera integration
#4222 Sunell camera integration (ONVIF)
#3591 Incorrect maximum storage duration
#4428 Updated ANPR modules
New: Mexico, United Arab Emirates & Moldova
Updated: Australia, Belgium, Canada, Suisse, China, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Italy, Luxemburg, Norway, Netherland, Poland, Egypt, Ghana, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia & USA
Improvements Web Client
#88 Localization
#90 Hide events if user has no api license
#4346 Cannot enroll face if camera with FaceR is on slave server
#4351 Locking issue videoTagRelease while shutting down server
#4363 Recording icon is flashing if post event storage is configured and there is an event
#4367 Macro: Comparison operators for motion detection values not working
#4374 Object Caching: Eventlist not cleared
#4375 Object Caching: Layout template list not cleared
#4385 Device sequences visible without correct userrights
#4386 Device is not set on panel after selecting location in layoutmanager
#4388 Device sequence via macro doesn’t work on a videowall
#4392 Adam alarm inputs linked to unrelated camera
#4394 Macro conversion when updating 2.3.16 to 2.4.11 is incorrect
#4402 Unexpected motion value in OSD when motion mask is set to 100%
#4407 Unable to configure server macros with CarR if CarR is on slave server
#4421 New plugin signal & action settings have the value of previous edited settings
#4425 Camera audio from wrong camera is heard
#4433 No video from Siqura BC840 PID
#4490 Video wall: Fullscreen panel displayed on the incorrect monitor if video wall client has two or more local monitors
#4492 Video wall: Closing fullscreen panels will not work if the video wall has two or more local monitors
#4511 API function getServerOptions does not return any data for non-admin users
#4512 Hikvision camera gives no video when multicast is enabled
#4539 Motion search results will ignore configured end-date