


TKH Security Solution | Video Surveillance

VDG Sense | API | Usage

Versions - VDG Sense 2.6.x


Here developers can find how the API communicates and which commands can be used. Select one of the topics to get more information on that API subject.

The functions describes all the HTTP functions available. Every function describes its purpose, input and output parameters, and arguments. The HTTP request displayed is only the argument-part of the URL. For example, when the command describes a request as:


the complete request for a VDG Sense setup at localhost should be:

Every function chapter explains the following sections:


This is the description of the function.


This describes the request to be send.


This is a list explaining all parameters from the request. Between [ and ] is the type. If the type is omitted, it is assumed to be of type string.


This describes the response. In most cases, the response is an xml message. If the answer is not the default answer, it is listed here.


If the response is not the default answer, this list explains all tags from the result. Between [ and ] is the type. If the type is omitted, it is assumed to be of type string.

See Also

Displays a list with useful links.

Change log

Displays a list with changes for the function.


Displays some examples if available.



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