*Camera view
Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-02 VDG Sense | API | Usage |
Some commands like selectCamera and fillLayout require a cameraview parameter or comma separated list of cameraview parameters. A cameraview parameter consists of maximal 6 name:value pairs, separated by a semicolon (‘;’), see table below. Only the cameraid is required. A cameraid value of 0 will blank the corresponding panel. The order of the pairs is arbitrary.
If the server id is omitted, the server this command is send to will be used. If one of the cutout parameters is ommited, a default value of 0 is used for the left and top parameter and a default value of 1000 is used for the right and bottom parameter.
Name | Value | Remarks |
serverid | [uid] | Optional unique server id. When omitted, uses the default server. |
cameraid | [uid] | Required unique camera id. A value of zero (0) blanks the panel. (deviceid works similar) |
left | [0..1000] | Optional left position in promille for image cutout. |
top | [0..1000] | Optional top position in promille for image cutout. |
right | [0..1000] | Optional right position in promille for image cutout. |
bottom | [0..1000] | Optional bottom position in promille for image cutout. |
Query Examples
Example of the most elementary camera view:
Example with serverid, fields separated by a semicolon (‘;’):
Complete example:
Mixed example:
Example with some missing cutout parameters.
Example of a simple cameraview list, cameraviews separated by a comma (‘,’):
Example of a more complex cameraview list,
(notice left and right for cameraid 3!):
Example of a complete cameraview list:
cameraid:81;serverid:1234567812345001;left:10;top:20;right:30;bottom:41, bottom:42;
The image cutout parameters left, top, right and bottom are used to zoom in on the image. They select a part of the image that is displayed on the panel. The parameter values range from 0 up to 1000, representing a promile part of the image.
Left top of the image is considered as basepoint (0,0).
The original aspect ratio of the image is always maintained. Because the cutout parameters are promiles, the image aspect ratio is kept if the cutout width and height are the same. If the cutout width and height are not equal, the largest of the two is taken.
If the left value is larger then the right value, these values are swapped. The same goes for top and bottom. If the values are out of bounds, they are rounded to the nearest boundary. The visual examples will make things clear.
Example Description
The following examples all start with an image showing the original image (yellow), the image cutout (blue) and the resulting part of the image (cross pattern). Hereafter follows a calculation of the resulting image cutout. The cutout parameters are checked to see if they exceed boundaries and if they are reversed (right before left, bottom before top). The aspect ratio of the image is kept, the result has the same aspect ratio as the image (and the cutout aspect ratio after checking it is 1:1).
The cutout parameters show their recalculated values (to maintain aspect ratio) after the ‘—->’.
For all examples, a 4:3 image is used.
Cutout Examples
Example 1
Cutout with correct aspect ratio within borders.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 200 |
Top | 300 |
Right | 700 |
Bottom | 800 |
Result: |
Width | 500 |
Height | 500 |
ZoomFactor | 2 |
Example 2
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio within borders.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 500 |
Top | 200 |
Right | 800 |
Bottom | 300 —-> 500 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
Result: |
Width | 300 |
Height | 300 |
Zoomfactor | 3.33333 |
Example 3
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio within borders.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 300 |
Top | 500 |
Right | 400 —-> 600 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
Bottom | 800 |
Result: |
Width | 100 |
Height | 300 |
Zoomfactor | 3.33333 |
Example 4
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio where the resulting cutout would pass the bottom border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 500 |
Top | 800 |
Right | 800 —-> 700 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
Bottom | 900 —-> 1000 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
Result: |
Width | 300 —-> 200 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
Height | 100 —-> 200 (corrected to match aspect ratio) |
ZoomFactor | 5 |
Example 5
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio where the resulting cutout would pass the right border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 800 |
Top | 500 |
Right | 900 —-> 1000 |
Bottom | 900 —-> 700 |
Result: |
Width | 100 —-> 200 |
Height | 400 —-> 200 |
ZoomFactor | 5 |
Example 6
Cutout with correct aspect ratio that passes the right border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 800 |
Top | 200 |
Right | 1200 —-> 1000 |
Bottom | 600 —-> 400 |
Result: |
Width | 400 —-> 200 |
Height | 400 —-> 200 |
ZoomFactor | 5 |
Example 7
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio that passes the right border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 700 |
Top | 500 |
Right | 1100 —-> 1000 |
Bottom | 600 —-> 800 |
Result: |
Width | 400 —-> 300 |
Height | 100 —-> 300 |
ZoomFactor | 3.3333333 |
Example 8
Cutout with correct aspect ratio that passes the bottom border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 500 |
Top | 700 |
Right | 900 —-> 800 |
Bottom | 1100 —-> 1000 |
Result: |
Width | 400 —-> 300 |
Height | 400 —-> 300 |
ZoomFactor | 3.3333333 |
Example 9
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio that passes the bottom border.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 500 |
Top | 700 |
Right | 600 —-> 800 |
Bottom | 1100 —-> 1000 |
Result: |
Width | 100 —-> 300 |
Height | 400 —-> 300 |
Max | 300 |
Aspect ratio | 0.25 —> 1 |
ZoomFactor | 3.3333333 |
Example 10
Cutout with incorrect aspect ratio and reversed values that also passes all borders.
Cutout parameters | (all values are in promille) |
Left | 1200 —-> 0 |
Top | 1100 —-> 0 |
Right | -100 —-> 1000 |
Bottom | -100 —-> 1000 |
Result: |
Width | -1300 —-> 1000 |
Height | -1200 —-> 1000 |
ZoomFactor | 1 |