

Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-07

VDG Sense | API | Usage

XML results will be in the form of:

(Content-Type: "text/xml") <result errorcode="[error code]">   <description>     Description for result code (0 = ok, no error)   </description> </result>

Optional tags can be present and the tag description can be ommited, depending the command issued (specifically if the result sends back information).
When a jpeg image is send, the result will be in the form of:
(Content-Type: “image/jpeg”)
(image data)

The Response section for every function describes the possible returning errorcodes.

All functions except those that return an image, will return an error code of 0 or greater in case of success and an error code less then 0 in case of failure. An error code of “0, Ok” means that the function is executed without error. An error code of “-18, General error” can be returned if an unhandled error occured. Consult the logging files for more explanation in that case.