Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-58 VDG Sense | API | Functions | Persons |
Note: This function requires an API license.
Obtains a list of all persons stored in the database.
command=getPersonList |
<result errorcode="0">
<persons count="[number]">
</result> |
node | value | remarks |
/result | ||
@errorcode | [number] | See error codes below |
/result/persons | ||
@count | [number] | number of persons |
/result/persons/person | ||
id | [UID] | unique person id |
firstname | [string] | firstname of the person |
lastname | [string] | firstname of the person |
address | [string] | address of the person |
postalcode | [string] | postal code of the person |
city | [string] | city of the person |
phone | [string] | phone number of the person |
fax | [string] | fax number of the person |
mobile | [string] | mobile number of the person |
licenseplate | [string] | license plate of the person |
notes | [string] | notes added to the person |
expirationdate | [string] | the date the person will be removed from the database |
enabledexpirationdate | [boolean] | flag to indicate the person can be expired |
error code | description | remarks |
0 | Ok | Ok, no error |
-18 | General error | An undefined error occured |
2.6.1 – added