*India - IND

*India - IND

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-16

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Asia-Pacific | Asia


Standard plate since 1989

Standard plate issued since 1989 in black on white. In the middle at the left of the plate is IND below a security hologram introduced in March 2003.

Plate size & position:
550x120mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddddd, llddlddd, llddldddd, llddllddd, llddlldddd, llddllldddd, lldddldddd, llddddd, lldlddd, lldldddd, lldllddd, lldlldddd, lldllldddd, llddldddd


Standard twoline plate since 1989

Standard two-line plate issued since 1989 in black on white. In the middle at the left of the plate is IND below a security hologram introduced in March 2003.

Plate size & position:
340x220mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddddd, llddlddd, llddldddd, llddllddd, llddlldddd, llddllldddd, lldddldddd, llddddd, lldlddd, lldldddd, lldllddd, lldlldddd, lldllldddd, llddldddd


Standard plate until 1989

Standard plate issued until 1989 in white on black.

Plate size & position:
550x120mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddddd, llddlddd, llddldddd, llddllddd, llddlldddd, llddllldddd, lldddldddd, llddddd, lldlddd, lldldddd, lldllddd, lldlldddd, lldllldddd, llddldddd


Commercial plate since 1989

Commercial plate issued since 1989 in black on yellow. In the middle at the left of the plate is IND below a security hologram introduced in March 2003.

Plate size & position:
550x120mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddddd, llddlddd, llddldddd, llddllddd, llddlldddd, llddllldddd, lldddldddd, llddddd, lldlddd, lldldddd, lldllddd, lldlldddd, lldllldddd, llddldddd


Commercial twoline plate since 1989

Commercial two-line plate issued since 1989 in black on yellow. In the middle at the left of the plate is IND below a security hologram introduced in March 2003.

Plate size & position:
340x220mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddddd, llddlddd, llddldddd, llddllddd, llddlldddd, llddllldddd, lldddldddd, llddddd, lldlddd, lldldddd, lldllddd, lldlldddd, lldllldddd, llddldddd

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