*Colombia - CO

*Colombia - CO

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-110

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Passenger standard since 1991

Standard plate issued since 1991 in black on yellow/white. The registration consists of three letters followed by three numerals separated by a small encircled M/T. At the bottom of the plate is the district name in black capitals.

Plate size & position:
330x160mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:


Trailer standard since 1991

Trailer plate issued since 1991 in white on green. The registration consists of a letter followed by five numerals.

Plate size & position:
330x160mm, white on green, front and rear

Plate style:


Motorcycle since 2001

Motorcycle plate issued since 2001 in black on yellow.

Plate size & position:
235x105mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
llldd, lllddl

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