*Cameroon - CMR

*Cameroon - CMR

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-186

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Africa |


Diplomatic since 2005

From 2005 Diplomatic and Consular Corps plates have been white on green or blue. The registration consists of letters denoting the status, an Embassy code and up to three serial numerals. To the left is the CEMAC logo above CMR.

Plate size & position:
520x110mm, white on green, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


Diplomatic since 2005 twoline

From 2005 Diplomatic and Consular Corps plates have been white on green or blue. The registration consists of letters denoting the status, an Embassy code and up to three serial numerals. On the top-left corner is the CEMAC logo above CMR.

Plate size & position:
340x210mm, white on green, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


State owned since 2005

The plates have a white background and black characters. In the top-left corner the emblem of the Central African economic and Monetary Community (SEMAS) code and CMR.

Plate size & position:
520x110mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


State owned since 2005 twoline

The plates have a white background and black characters in the left side of the plate are the emblem of the Central African economic and Monetary Community (SEMAS) code and CMR.

Plate size & position:
340x210mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


Standard since 2005

The plates are orange background with black marks on the left side of the plate are the emblem of the Central African economic and Monetary Community (SEMAS) code and CMR.

Plate size & position:
520x110mm, black on orange, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


Standard since 2005 twoline

The plates are orange background with black marks on the left side of the plate are the emblem of the Central African economic and Monetary Community (SEMAS) code and CMR.

Plate size & position:
340x210mm, black on orange, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll


Motorcycle since 2005

The plates are orange background with black marks on the left side of the plate are the emblem of the Central African economic and Monetary Community (SEMAS) code and CMR.

Plate size & position:
340x210mm, black on orange, front and rear

Plate style:
llddddl, llddddll, lldddl, lldddll, llddl, llddll

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