FlinQ release 3.53

Summary release 3.53.1

Case reporting

  • GenericAlarm case is introduced for reporting events/cases that are not covered by the original case reporting module

Push to agent

  • New DisableCasePushing state in CallCase for disabling case pushing during a case to other users

  • A new command is introduced for the FlinQ server connector; UnassignCase. This can be used if a call is pushed to a user and the user doesn't want to handle this (case will be requeued)

  • Extra reporting information the [CaseHandlingCases] table: [CaseDismissed], [UserName]

Bug fixes

  • Text not visible in CameraAndPhoto DoQ window in small panels

  • After Commend has restarted FlinQ is not restoring the connection with Commend automatically

Summary release 3.53.0

Sense related

  • Sense import will not overwrite settings that have been made in Cameraround cameras

  • Secure import of my Sense devices via https

  • Implement Streamvideo API call to get live video feed from Sense

Push to agent

  • Added missed call in push to agent solution

    • Extra reporting information the [CaseHandlingCases] table: [DeskId],[CaseMissed],[CaseTakenOver]

  • A new call pushed when I've finished the after-call work.

  • Finish things after case handling but not as a part of the case, a new case can be created


  • Security improvement; remove passwords in the connector configuration

  • Remove and/or edit notes

  • Flexible DoQ window based on specific events

  • Filter window available as an item in the Gridclient

Bug fixes

  • ATS Advanced connector in fault state and/or crashing after masking event