VDG Sense 2.7.3
Release Notes Article | RNA-20240306-MF-01 VDG Sense | Release Notes | VDG Sense 2.7.3 | | Release date 6 March 2024 |
Software download
VDG Sense 2.7 Software download
New Features
VMS-11359 RTSP plugin to support Audio (read more)
VMS-11800 User defined privacy mask (read more)
VMS-11899 Export video in native format via API (read more)
VMS-11901 New Videotag layout (read more)
VMS-12305 New Tattile STARK camera driver
VMS-12366 Triple streaming for Onvif driver
VMS-12522 Triple streaming for RTSP driver
VMS-12523 Triple streaming for Hanwha driver
VMS-12674 Update with latest Polish translations
VMS-12569 Car brand detection support for Siqura BL2002v2-LPR camera (requires latest camera firmware)
VMS-12159 API: Add post-time to addvideotag call
VMS-12158 Added option to automatically remove videotags
VMS-12084 Support for PCM 24BIT audio in cameradriver
VMS-11902 Show videotags in timeline
VMS-11858 Add storage information in API:getserverstatus/getsystemstatus
VMS-10663 Improved handling of storage events
VMS-12185 High CPU load with dual CPU
VMS-12312 Server creates weird directory structure
VMS-12483 API getdivalist returns double clients in the list when using clientwatchdog plugin
VMS-12507 Installer unable to set postgresql password
VMS-12508 Tattile Vega camera eventbased connection fix
VMS-12547 EventPlayback panel with 'Connection Lost'
VMS-12591 Default export path for system back-up is not writable
VMS-12592 Backup restore issue with users
VMS-12601 Camera events not received for TKH and Hikvision driver
VMS-12603 Server crash Hikvision driver when using multicast
VMS-12618 Blur data not always retrieved when requesting playback images
VMS-12628 Clientwatchdog plugin logout issue
VMS-12637 Timeline images in fullscreen layout not updated according to lift privacy mask right
VMS-12751 Video Restore events PD1022v2
VMS-12756 Coordinates for Domeposition event Siqura PD950 are not always correct
Several security improvements and performance fixes