VDG Sense 2.6.22

Release Notes Article | RNA-20230622-MF-01

VDG Sense | Release Notes | VDG Sense 2.6.22 |

Release date

May 16, 2024


  • Read changelog 2.6.8 for more information about migrating from previous versions. [Read More]

  • Due to updated security policies digest authentication is disabled by default for API connectivity after installing VDG Sense version 2.6.10. This relates to IOS, Android, Sense webpage and third party connectivity. It is preferred to use HTTPS access if possible. If required it needs to be enabled in the HTTP plugin->Advanced settings [Read More].

  • Using HTTPS connection to API is recommended

  • The HTTP plugin does not accept connections from remote clients by default [Read More]

  • For IProtect connectivity disable ‘Enable Cookie Session Key’ in HTTP plugin [Read More]

  • When using ObjectC, please install ObjectC package on server after SenseSetup installation [Read More]



  • VMS-12184 VCA zone selection does not work with Windows layout scaling.

  • VMS-12203 Sense Player crash

  • VMS-12277 Cannot stop PTZ trace with stop button

  • VMS-12446 Siqura Megapixel driver - wrong value for event port

  • VMS-12468 Silent Installer option not working

  • VMS-12486 Issues using M5 camera with ParkEyes driver

  • VMS-12582 Absolute PTZ issue with Siqura driver

  • VMS-12599 No PTZ control without "PlackbackControl" function

  • VMS-12604 Hikvision driver TCM model, using an invalid Event Address possibly causes crash

  • VMS-12651 Coordinates for Domeposition event Siqura PD950 are not always correct

  • VMS-12681 Videotag list incomplete and changing when using Sense client

  • VMS-12686 VideoTag API behavior inconsistent icw cluster setup

  • VMS-12738 Sense absolute PTZ API not working as expected

  • VMS-12753 Possible Video wall (client) crash

  • VMS-12823 Deactivate multicast camera does not deactivate camera on remote clients

  • VMS-12835 Possible crash Hikvision driver when using multicast

  • VMS-13102 Sense Failover with 2 clusters is not working as expected

  • VMS-13119 Hikvision driver deactivate/activate causes bad camera connection

  • VMS-13125 Changing user password not always possible

  • VMS-13135 Generic Events via API doesn't work for some cameras


  • VMS-12205 2.6 - Translate ObjectC labels bounding boxes

  • VMS-12765 2.6 - User persistant cookie in API calls

  • VMS-13110 2.6 user persistent cookie

  • VMS-12781 2.6 Solution for syncing layoutchanges to videowall

  • VMS-12569 Translation Hikvision Car Brand ID's to actual brandnames in eventstring

  • VMS-12817 Update with latest language translations

  • VMS-13140 Missing translations