FlinQ release 3.52

Hotfix release 3.52.1

  • Hide the case handling window on logout 

  • Use the correct license portal URL

  • Repeat Genetec camera query if the first attempt fails

Summary 3.52.0

Push to agent

  • FlinQ can route and push incoming calls to users based on the longest available user. For this feature we introduced updates in:

  • FlinQ Server connector:

    • New command SetUserState)  in FlinQ server connector for changing the state of a user. The status can be; Stand-by, Manual, Auto Receive and Auto Start. For more info check the connector

    • New event UserStateChanged; will be generated when the state of the user is changed via new 'user state change dialogue' or via the command 'SetUserState'

  • A new dialogue in Frontend for changing the status

  • Based on the status the call will be routed to the user;

    • Stand-by, manual; incoming calls will appear in the event viewer (same as before)

    • Auto receive; the incoming call will be pushed to the longest available user, but the user needs to start the call manually via a new dialogue

    • Auto Start; the incoming call will be pushed to the longest available user and the call will be started automatically 

Export all templates FlinQ Studio

  • Option to export all templates at once

Help function in FlinQ Studio

  • Help function in Studio available via menu or F1

Disable F12 menu GridClient

  • New option in the configuration file to disable the GridClient configuration tool > Disable 'F12 menu' in GridClient 

Show productId in the license information

  • Status client: Show product ID the license information

Bug fixes

  • We did serval bug fixes for this release