VDG Sense 2.6.20

Release Notes Article | RNA-20230622-MF-01

VDG Sense | Release Notes | VDG Sense 2.6 |

Release date

Jun 22, 2023


  • Read changelog 2.6.8 for more information about migrating from previous versions. [Read More]

  • Due to updated security policies digest authentication is disabled by default for API connectivity after installing VDG Sense version 2.6.10. This relates to IOS, Android, Sense webpage and third party connectivity. It is preferred to use HTTPS access if possible. If required it needs to be enabled in the HTTP plugin->Advanced settings [Read More].

  • Using HTTPS connection to API is recommended

  • The HTTP plugin does not accept connections from remote clients by default [Read More]

  • For IProtect connectitivity disable ‘Enable Cookie Session Key’ in HTTP plugin [Read More]

  • When using ObjectC, please install ObjectC package on server after SenseSetup installation [Read More]

New Features

  • VMS-11973 Support for Parkassist M5 sensors

  • VMS-12000 CarR tab to search for camerabased LPR events

  • VMS-12029 New database Postgres 14.6

  • VMS-12137 3D positioning for Dahua cameras

  • VMS-12187 Face Detection event for TKH Security Solutions cameras

  • VMS-12316 Popup message dialog in viewermacro (more)


  • VMS-11955 Improved database performance

  • VMS-12111 RTSP url not copied to path when upgrading Sense

  • VMS-12118 User synchronisation beween master and slave

  • VMS-12121 Logical NVH-KEY1003 button configuration

  • VMS-12127 Monitor list keeps reordering itself

  • VMS-12145 Possibility to configure more than 9 monitors in Multilayout

  • VMS-12167 Calendar scale for on calendar tab has wrong time indication


  • VMS-11961 Missing Polish translations in VCA menu

  • VMS-12050 Events delay when database needs to store huge amounts of events

  • VMS-12052 Hikvision eventconnection locking

  • VMS-12075 Eventdisplay in eventpanel delay with high number of Sense client connections

  • VMS-12077 Alphavision plugin not working VDG Sense

  • VMS-12114 Client can freeze when excuting specific server macro

  • VMS-12146 Pluginlist not visible or plugin settings not visible on windows server 2022

  • VMS-12168 Server crash related to Hikvision driver

  • VMS-12170 Client locking when entering ipaddress for devices

  • VMS-12172 Failover settings not visible when client language is set to polish language

  • VMS-12179 No PTZ control without "PlackbackControl" function

  • VMS-12181 Video export (mp4) of slave server data gives watchdog error on Clip Worker

  • VMS-12189 Right-click on an empty EventLive panel can crash the client.

  • VMS-12194 Tattile Vega 1 - Incorrect license plate snapshot shown with event

  • VMS-12200 Webhook credentials not saved when system is set to different language than english

  • VMS-12202 Sense Client crash when attempting to save a Divacal plugin calendar event

  • VMS-12212 Events not received for SiquraMegapixel PD950/PD980

  • VMS-12265 Webclient: Macros not visible for users other than administrator

  • VMS-12322 Device IP address input doesnt work correctly

  • VMS-12329 Selectlayout API call with monitorindex higher than monitorcount -1 results in client crash