Configuration Article | CA-20220907-TP-66 VDG Sense | API | Functions | Status |
Note: This function requires an API license.
Returns information about the status of a specific server. If the parameter serverid is omitted, the information of the local server is returned. Tagged video is not deleted until released which must be done by a user in the system.
command=getServerStatus&serverid=[UID] |
<result errorcode="0">
<devicestatuslist count="[number]">
<storageretentiontime>[XML Time period format]</storageretentiontime>
</result> |
node | value | remarks |
/result |
| ||
@errorcode | [number] | See error codes below |
/result/systemstatus |
| ||
id | [id] | unique id of the systemstatus |
/result/systemstatus/license |
| ||
issenselicense | [boolean] | if the given license is a valid Sense license |
productid | [string] | the product id of the Sense license |
producttype | [string] | the license type. Can be "Start", "Basic" or "Pro" |
productversion | [string] | the installed VDG Sense version |
productlicensecreationdate | [YYYY-MM-DD] | the creation date of the Sense license |
productlicenseextendedwarrantydate | [YYYY-MM-DD] | the expiry date of the extended warranty of the Sense license |
productlicenseexpirationdate | [YYYY-MM-DD] | the expiry date of the Sense license |
licensetype | [string] | internal identifier code for the license type |
maxstorage | [number] | the maximum amount of storage that's allowed with this license (in hours) |
videochannels | [number] | the maximum amount of video channels that's allowed with this license |
audiochannels | [number] | the maximum amount of audio channels that's allowed with this license |
iodevices | [number] | the maximum amount of io devices allowed with this license |
commendchannels | [number] | the maximum amount of commend devices allowed with this license |
nativeclients | [number] | the maximum amount of clients allowed with this license |
mobileclientsregistered | [number] | the amount of mobile devices currently registered |
mobileclientsconnections | [number] | the maximum amount of mobile client connections allowed with this license |
carrchannels | [number] | the maximum amount of CarR devices allowed with this license |
facerchannels | [number] | the maximum amount of FaceR devices allowed with this license |
objectrbasicchannels | [number] | the maximum amount of ObjectR Basic channels allowed with this license |
objectradvancedchannels | [number] | the maximum amount of ObjectR Advanced channels allowed with this license |
lenel | [boolean] | [0 | 1] indicates if this license has POS options |
tokheim | [boolean] | [0 | 1] indicates if this license has Tokheim options |
aid | [boolean] | [0 | 1] indicates if this license has AID/Traffic options |
api | [boolean] | [0 | 1] indicates if this license has extended API options |
/result/systemstatus |
| ||
devicestatuslist | [number] | the number of devicestatus objects |
id | [uid] | unique id of the device |
name | [string] | the name of the device |
state | [string] | the status of the device |
storageretentiontime | [XML Time period format] | the total recorded time of the device |
firstrecordedimage | [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz] | date & time of the first frame in the recorded data |
lastrecordedimage | [yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss.zzz] | date & time of the last frame in the recorded data |
/result/systemstatus/storage |
| ||
info | [string] | information about the storage values |
storagesize | [number] | the number of storagesize |
freespace | [number] |
| *added in 2.7.3 |
usedspace | [number] |
| *added in 2.7.3 |
blocksize | [number] | the number of blocksize |
/result/systemstatus/storage/health |
| ||
/result/systemstatus/health/memory |
| ||
info | [string] | information about the memory values |
load | [number] | the number of the load memory |
totalphys | [number] | the number of the total physical memory |
availphys | [number] | the number of available physical memory |
totalpagefile | [number] | the number of the total page files |
availpagefile | [number] | the number of available page files. |
totalvirtual | [number] | the number of the total virtual memory. |
availvirtual | [number] | the number of available virtual memory |
/result/systemstatus/health/processmemory |
| ||
workingsetsize | [number] | the size of the working sets of the processmemory |
/result/systemstatus/health/cpu |
| ||
cores | [number] | cpu cores value |
load | [number] | cpu load value |
/result/systemstatus/health/network |
| ||
inputbandwidth | [number] | width of inputband of the network |
outputbandwidth | [number] | width of outputband of the network |
/result/systemstatus/health/harddisk |
| ||
readbandwidth | [number] | width of readband of the harddisk |
writebandwidth | [number] | width of writeband of the harddisk |
/result/systemstatus/systeminfo |
| ||
oem-id | [number] | unique id of the mainboard |
numofprocessors | [number] | the number of processors |
page-size | [number] | the number of pages. |
processor-type | [number] | the type of the processor. |
/result/systemstatus/serversettings |
| ||
managementserveraddress | [number] | the address of the managementserver |
/result/systemstatus/statusevents |
| ||
managementconnectionstatus | [string] | Connection status with management server |
/result/systemstatus/divaconnections |
| ||
/result/systemstatus/divaconnections/connection |
| ||
IPaddress | [ip-address] | The IP address of the DIVA server |
type | [string] | type of server |
address | [ip-address] | The address of the server |
username | [string] | The current logged in user |
divaid | [uid] | Unique ID of the server |
description | [string] | server description |
/result/systemstatus/taggedvideo |
| ||
percentage | [number] | the amount of tagged video in percentages |
status | [string] | status of the tagged video (active, inactive) |
error code | description | remarks |
0 | Ok | Ok, no error |
VDG Sense version 2.7.3 – Added freespace and usedspace parameters to the storage node
2.6.1 – Added storageretentiontime, firstrecordedimage & lastrecordedimage
2.4.2 – Added status by taggedvideo.
2.4.1 – Added