

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-01

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Asia-Pacific | Australia


Passenger slimline since 2018

Passenger slimline plate issued since 2018 in blue on white. At the left of the plate is the state abbreviation 'ACT'.

Plate size & position:
372x100mm, blue on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Passenger since 2007 celebration of a century 2013

Passenger plate issued since 2007 in blue on white. At the bottom of the plate is the phrase 'CELEBRATION OF A CENTURY 2013'.

Plate size & position:
372x134mm, blue on white, front_and_rear

Plate style:


Passenger since 2001 symbol of federation

Passenger plate issued since 2001 in blue on white. At the bottom of the plate is the phrase 'CANBERRA - SYMBOL OF FEDERATION'.

Plate size & position:
372x134mm, blue on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Passenger since 1998 the nations capital

Passenger plate issued since 1998 in blue on white. At the bottom of the plate is the phrase 'CANBERRA - THE NATION'S CAPITAL'.

Plate size & position:
372x134mm, blue on white, front and rear

Plate style: