*Bahamas - BS

*Bahamas - BS

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-92

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Americas | Central America |


Standard plate since 2016

The Island name at top, BAHAMAS at bottom, First letter A for New Providence, First letter G for Grand Bahama.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:

Taxi since 2016

Taxis have plates with TAXI on top and BAHAMAS at the bottom, in black on reflective yellow.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Multi purpose vehicle since 2016

Multi purpose plates are black on reflective white, with BAHAMAS at bottom.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Tour car since 2016

Tour car plates are red on reflective white, with TOUR CAR at the top, BAHAMAS at bottom.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Private charter since 2016

Private charter plates are black on reflective green, with PRIVATE CHARTER at the top, BAHAMAS at bottom.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Government since 2016

Government plates are white on reflective red, with GOVERNMENT at the top, BAHAMAS at bottom. Second letter V for vehicle, Second letter M for machinery

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:


Bus since 2016

Bus plates are white on reflective green, with BUS at the top, BAHAMAS at bottom.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:


Livery since 2016

Livery car plates are yellow on reflective black, with LIVERY at the top, BAHAMAS at bottom.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard plate since 1997

Plates are yellow on reflective light blue and have the name of the island at the top, and BAHAMAS at the bottom. Private vehicles have a simple serial of up to six numerals. Commercial vehicles start with T and up to five numerals, each island starting at T1.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:
Td, Tdd, Tddd, Tdddd, Tddddd, d, dd, ddd, dddd, ddddd, dddddd


Taxi since 1997

Taxis have plates with TAXI above a serial number prefixed by a two letter abbreviation of the island, with BAHAMAS at the bottom, in black on reflective yellow. plates are similar but there are different prefixes.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddd, llddd, lldd

Company and tourist bus since 1997

Buses have similar plates with BUS at the top, but in four different colours, all reflective plates: black on green for tourist buses, yellow on green for jitneys (route buses), white on green for school buses, and black on white for (apparently) company buses. Registration marks on all types of bus plate comprise the island prefix followed by up to three numerals, with each type starting at e.g. NP 1.

Plate size & position:
305x152mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:
lldddd, llddd, lldd, lld

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