*Ukraine - UA / UA1

*Ukraine - UA / UA1

Specification Article | SA-20220908-TP-160

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | CarR | Supported Countries | CarR Modules | Europe |

UA - Module


Standard since 2015

Standard plate issued since 2015 in black on white. Left of the plate is a dark-blue band (as the Ukrainian flag) with UA below the national coat-of-arms.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard since 2004

Standard plate issued since 2004 in black on white. Left of the plate is a blue-yellow band (as the Ukrainian flag) with UA below the national coat-of-arms.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard since 2004 twoline optimized

Standard two-line plate issued since 2004 in black on white. Left of the plate is a blue-yellow band (as the Ukrainian flag) with UA below the national coat-of-arms.

Plate size & position:
320x110mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard since 2004 twoline optimized special

Standard two-line plate issued since 2004 in black on white. The top line contains the two first and two last characters in the registration number separated by a band that resembles the Ukrainian flag.

Plate size & position:
320x110mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Diplomatic since 2004

Diplomatic corps plate issued since 2004 in black on white. The registration begins with a D with the following three digits indicate the type of organization.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Diplomatic since 2014

Since 2014 diplomatic plates have been plain black on reflective white with a letter or letters indicating the status of the vehicle, a three digit code indicating the embassy.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:
CDPddd, Sdddddd, DPdddddd


Motorcycle since 2004

Three line plate for motorcycles or tricycles the band. At the left of the plates became blue with the national flag above UA in white.

Plate size & position:
220x174mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Public service since 2004

Plates series black on reflective yellow for public buses, minibuses and a very few taxis. At the left of the plate is the national coat of arms in yellow and gold on blue above UA in black on yellow.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:


Public service since 2015

Plates series black on reflective yellow for public buses, minibuses and a very few taxis. At the left of the plate is the national coat of arms in yellow and gold on blue above UA in black on yellow.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on yellow, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard since 1995

Plates series black on reflective yellow for public buses, minibuses and a very few taxis. At the left of the plate is the national coat of arms in yellow and gold on blue above UA in black on yellow.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard since 1995 twoline

Plates series black on reflective yellow for public buses, minibuses and a very few taxis. At the left of the plate is the national coat of arms in yellow and gold on blue above UA in black on yellow.

Plate size & position:
280x200mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:

UA1 - Module


Military since 1992

Military plate issued since 1992 in white on black (one line).

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:


Military since 1992 twoline

Military plate issued since 1992 in white on black (two lines).

Plate size & position:
280x200mm, white on black, front and rear

Plate style:


Police since 2005

White on blue plate issued for Ministry of Internal Affairs, incluying police. Police plate have the Ukranian flag on the left with a regional code below it.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, white on blue, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard Soviet Union since 1980

Black on white with a small serial letter followed by two pairs of numerals and two letters denoting the region or two pairs of numerals to the left of or above two letters denoting the region and a serial letter.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Standard Soviet Union since 1993

Plates were black on white with a small serial letter followed by two pairs of numerals and two letters denoting the region or two pairs of numerals to the left of or above two letters denoting the region and a serial letter. This series had the Ukrainian flag with a regional code on its left.

Plate size & position:
520x112mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:


Trailer since 1995 twoline

Non-rectangular plate issued in 1995 for vehicle trailers. Plate has the lower corners are always cut away.

Plate size & position:
288x226mm, black on white, front and rear

Plate style:

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