*ColorD Applications

Technical Article | TA-20201002-TP-03

VDG Sense | Video Content Analyses | ColorD

Below are a few example of applications of ColorD:

Detect parked car color

Gain additional information surrounding parking activities.

Use case example:
A parked car is damaged by an adjacent car. There’s red paint residue left on the vehicle. The license plate and parking time of the adjacent car is unknown.

Detecting a parked car can be done in multiple ways. For example, using a CarR “License Plate Found” or “CarR Match” event.  Using ObjectR detection lines or using API event from Parkassist. Using these events to trigger a color detection on the parking bay, can detect the parked car color.

Detect car color at access point

Gain additional information surrounding car entry/exit

Use case example:
Match car license plate with car color to avoid abuse of automatic license plate detection.

Using the license plate recognition can streamline the entry or exit of registered cars. Combining a CarR License Plate found or CarR License Plate Match event with the Color Detection event, can give insight on the proper use of the automated entry system.

Detect clothing color

Gain additional information surrounding person details and quickly analyze stored data

Use case example:
An unidentified person entered a restricted door. An employee can only identify a blue shirt.

Generating events at a restricted door can be combined with ColorD to generate additional information about persons entering or exiting. Useful events can be FaceD, FaceR, motion detection, API events or ObjectR detection lines.