*Hanwha Techwin SPC-7000

*Hanwha Techwin SPC-7000

Technical Article | TA-20220906-MH-01

PTZ Keyboards

The Hanwha Techwin SPC-7000 keyboard comes with joystick, 43 keys, and allows the management of CCTV applications from a PC, via USB connection. It can control VDG Sense, emulating a 4-axis 38 keys HID joystick. It can also be used together with other peripheral devices such as keyboards, mouse, joysticks or other accessories.

Main functionalities are:

  • Do PTZ actions on PTZ devices using Joystick

  • Control monitors/layouts/panels and cameras

  • Create snapshots of live or recorded images

  • Playback recorded video

Jog dial / shuttle is not supported

Keyboard configuration

Keyboard is to be connected via USB to the SenseClient system. In order to work in VDG Sense the keyboard is required to be set in SSM mode. Please follow these steps:

  • Login to keyboard

  • Set in SSM mode by pressing ‘Recorder/SSM' and 'ENTER’ key to confirm

VDG Sense configuration

After login with admin account in VDG Sense go to ‘System’ tab and select sub-tab ‘Client Settings’. Choose keyboard type ‘Hanwha Techwin SPC-7000’ and save.



Monitor/Layout/Panel/Camera selection

Monitor selection

Monitor 1 = nr 1 + MON/CON (on keyboard)

Layout selection

The keyboard follows the order of layouts (alphabetical) as listed in the menu. We advise you to begin with a number in the layout name, so that it is clear in the menu which number is associated with the layout.

Layouts (listed at menu)
1 – Warehouse  = nr 1 + LAYOUT/SEQ. (on keyboard)
2 – Door = nr 2 + LAYOUT/SEQ. (on keyboard)
3 – Gate = nr 3 + LAYOUT/SEQ. (on keyboard)

Panel selection

Panel 1 = nr 1 + TILE/WM (on keyboard)
The numbering is from left to right from top to bottom.

Camera selection

The keyboard follows the order of cameras (alphabetical) as listed in the menu. We advise you to begin with a number in the camera name, so that it is clear in the menu which number is associated with the camera.

1- Camera 1 = nr 1 + CAM (on keyboard)

Dome control is available directly from the keyboard when the camera is selected.


Selecting a camera with dome control in Sense with the keyboard?

  1. Nr (monitor) + MON/CON.

  2. Nr (layout) + LAYOUT/SEQ.

  3. Nr (panel) + TILE/WM

  4. Nr (camera) + CAM

Camera control


The Joystick has two functions, to control PTZ cameras and to do playback in VDG Sense Client. To enable PTZ functions press the ‘PTZ/MENU’ button.

Preset selection

(First select a camera) Preset 1 = nr 1 + PRESET (on keyboard) or Preset nr 1 (on keyboard)

Tour selection

(First select a camera) Tour 1 = nr 1+ GROUP/TOUR (on keyboard)

Cruise selection

(First select a camera) Cruise = nr 1+ TRACE (on keyboard)

Focus & Iris

After selecting a camera the buttons Far, Near, Auto (Focus) and Open, Close, Auto (Iris) can be used


This is the button on the joystick. Press it to create a snapshot / PDF Export in SenseClient on the selected panel. Both live or playback.


The keyboard has multiple ways to playback recorded video.

  • Using the joystick

  • Using the keyboard buttons for play/pause, stop, forward speed, backward speed.


The Joystick has two functions, to control PTZ cameras and to do playback in VDG Sense Client. To enable playback functions press the ‘SEARCH’ button.

Using the joystick from left to right will control the speed and direction of the playback.

Playback will start regardless of which panel is selected. It is required that there are playback panels in the shown layout.


  • (fast) forward button

    • Controls the speed of forward playback: realtime, x2, x4, x8, x16

  • Stop button

    • Stops playback and set speed to realtime

  • Play/Pause button

    • Play/Pause playback without changing speed or direction

  • (fast) backward button

    • Controls the speed of backward playback: realtime, x2, x4, x8, x16

  • L/T.LOCK button

    • Single frame backward

  • R/TRACK button

    • Single frame foward

Playback will start regardless of which panel is selected. It is required that there are playback panels in the shown layout.


They keyboard can also start viewermacros on SenseClient. The ‘FAVORI/MACRO’ key triggers a signal ‘OperatorEvent’ with the value ‘PTZ.Keyboard.Key=F1’, ‘PTZ.Keyboard.Key=F2’, etc.

'PTZ.Keyboard.Key=Fx' = Nr. x + ‘FAVORI/MACRO’ (on keyboard)

This ‘OperatorEvent’ can be used in a viewerMacro to execute a (number of) actions.


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