*iProtect™ Tattile

*iProtect™ Tattile

Installation Manual | IM-20210309-TP-25

iProtect Access / Security | Installation |

This manual represents the knowledge at the above-mentioned time. TKH security works non-stop to improve her products. For the most recent technical information please contact your consultant or dealer.

1 Tattile Vega Basic

1.1 Scope of this document

The settings for the Tattile ANPR camera and iProtect security system which are necessary to establish a

1.2 Default settings Tattile camera

IP Address:
Username: superuser
Password: superuser

1.3 General information

iProtect listen continuously to a specific port to receive push messages from the camera.
As there is no a real connection to the camera there is no real connection state.
The Tattile camera will not provide iProtect with images, only license plate information.

1.4 Camera settings

Menu: Plate reader | Event actions
Select TCP Message – OCR Read or if already in use TCP Message 2

Make the following settings
Enable Yes
Format: XML
Message: %DEVICE_SN%PLATE%DATE%TIME%OCRSCORE (The string what is send to iProtect to decode)
Server name/IP: IP address of iProtect INVR
Server port: Communication port (must also be set in iProtect)
Reuse connection: No
Connection execution: Always

· Each camera must use an unique Server port
· License plate information is sent together with a three character country code, and iProtect makes use
of the same format. For example, NLD,GT961T
· If Tattile is used in combination with other ANPR systems or camera’s please check the format of the
license plate data.


1.5 iProtect camera settings

Create a normal camera in the INVR with at least the following settings:

Camera type: Tattile (available from version iProtect 9.05)
S/n: Serial number of the camera (if not set or wrong, there will be no events generated in iProtect)
Ip address: IP address of the camera
Port: Network communication port
Active: Yes

Card data interpretation: set to the ANPR interpretation
License plate settings: precision: 90%
License plate settings: no further settings must be made.
Image section selection is not used with Tattile ANPR camera

· Precision is not checked, this handled by the ANPR camera (this must be set otherwise events will be
· Name and password has no function.

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