How to set call transfer on a control desk

How to set call transfer on a control desk

How To Article | HTA-20220611-TV-01

Intercom |



This is only a How to article, the manuals about Commend can be found at C-Library.

This how to article uses the basics of the manuals: Intercom Server Configuration and ICX protocol.

1. Create 2 control desks:

Make sure, they have a D license.

Give the stations the Control desk function:


2. Create a call transfer.

Go to the control desk, you want to transfer from and select group 1(Normal call), Group 3 for Normal and emergency calls or group 9 for all types of calls;
See the intercom configuration manual for an explanation of those types.

Create a call transfer to the other control desk, The Night transfer is important for the T0, T1 Function.


3. Enable the T0 and T1 function.

Go to direct dailling and create a direct dailling on the control desk, you want to transfer from:

Theoretical lookup in the Intercom Server Configuration manual from Commend:

If you call T1, it wil activate function code 95 and parameter 99.
If you call T0, it wil activate function code 95 and parameter 90.
Where XX90= Day, XX99= Night.


4a. Extra functionality output.

If you want to transfer a call via an output (via a Security management system), You need to set ICX at output:

Create an output and use the call number: 100T for control desk 1000.

Create an ICX at output:

Set the parameters for the Call transfer in the output where the first 4 digits from the Data part are for the control desk number. :

Theoretical lookup in the ICX protocol manual from Commend:

Where TTTT90FFFF= Day, TTTT99FFFF= Night.
Where TTTT must be set as the 4 digit call number of the control desk.

4b. Extra functionality time triggered.

Add 2 time triggered commands, 1 for activating night transfer, 1 for deactivating night transfer.

To use this function, make sure the time is set correctly.

How to check the date-time of the Commend server or central via Comlog:


5. Troubleshoting

After sending a night transfer, the intercom server answers with:


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