*Foresight FlinQ studio - help

*Foresight FlinQ studio - help

Technical Article | TA-20220401-TV-01

Security Management | FlinQ Foresight |

FlinQ Foresight Studio


This is an overview of the FlinQ Studio to configure FlinQ Foresight.

At the top of the screen, you will find a menu bar.

At the bottom of the screen, you will find the status bar.

The menu bar has six dropdown menus:

  • Server

  • Maintain

  • Physical Devices

  • Logical Devices

  • Window

  • Help


The server menu gives you four options.

  • Log In Ctrl+L

  • Log Out Ctrl+Shift+L

  • Connect

  • Disconnect

Log in

When you click on Log In Ctrl+L , Ther will be a new dialog box on the screen.

The dialog box gives you the options to enter the Username and password.
The user needs to have permissions to use FlinQ studio to login.

When the User is logged in, this will be shown at the bottom status bar of FlinQ studio.

Log Out

When you use the button Log Out Ctrl+Shift+L, the session wil log off.


The option Connect is to Connect FlinQ studio to the server.
A new dialog box will pop up and you have the ability to enter the IP Address and Port of the FlinQ Server.


When you use the Disconnect button, the FlinQ studio will disconnect from FlinQ.


The maintain menu gives you 2 options:

  • Locations Ctrl+L

  • Users Ctrl+U

Both of the options open a new dialog box.


This menu is to create locations in FlinQ, If locations are made, you can link logical devices to a location. This is to order the locations in the Gui, for the workflows and reporting.

The + key is to add a location
The × key is to remove a location.

The language options are set at building level, they can be:


This menu is used to add users to the FlinQ studio and Status application.
This users do not have rights in the Foresight GUI.

The + button is to add a user

The × button is to remove a user


button is to copy the selected user


Physical Devices

In this menu you can add, remove and change the Physical devices.
The configuration separates different types of Physical devices:

  • Barriers Ctrl+Alt+B

  • Cameras Ctrl+Alt+C

  • Doors Ctrl+Alt+D

  • Intercoms Ctrl+Alt+I

  • PayStations Ctrl+Alt+P

  • Input Output Units Ctrl+Alt+U

Each of this menus opens a form to fill in the details of the Physical Devices.

If you want to add a device, scroll down to the bottom and fill in the empty boxes. When the device is created, a new empty row will be added to the form.


The Form for barriers has a Barrier Id, this is filled in automatically and is a unique number.

The External Id is the IXC contact number in the intercom central.

The Name is the name how you recognize it when you select it at the Logical device section.

The Connector is the connector where you retrieve the messages from, this is the Commend connection for the ICX messages.

Suppressions is a checkbox, this is used if you have the availibility to suppress the intercom on site.

Logical Device(s) are linked automatically when you select this physical device in the logical device form.

Command option, have a selection for 2 choices.

ExternalIdForClosingBarrier, is used when you have separate outputs for opening and closing a barier.

DtmfCode is the code that needs to be send to activate the relais.

IntercomId is needed when you use the DtmfCode, it selects where to call before sending the Dtmf

PulseTimeInSeconds is to manually adjust the pulse time of the contact. When this is not filled, the contact will take the settings of the connector.

FakeSetting is used to spoof contacts, so it sends a signal back.


If you want to change a specific device, you can apply filters by pressing the button on top of a column.
You get to choice to sort this column and make a selection.
If you sort, it wil sort and the dropdown is closed automatically, if you apply a filter, you have to confirm with the OK button.

After Editing fields, Select Save & Close at the bottom of the screen to save your changes.


The Camera Id is unique in filled in automatically by FlinQ.
The External Id is to set the external ID of the camera.

The Name is the name how you can recognise it when you select it at the logival decice section.

Suppressions is a checkbox, this is used if you have the availibillity to suppres this camera.

Logical Device(s) are linked automatically when you select this physical device in the logical device form.

Server Address is the address of the Camera Server.

The Port is the connection port to the Camera Server.

Camera string is how the camera is connected. It starts with a Type, after Type, it has specific values of the camera.

The Import function is to import devices from VDG Sense via the API. This function will pop up a new dialog box. Fill in the credentials and click Import to fill the form automatically.
Use Save & Close to save the changes in your form.



Door Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ

The External Id is the IXC contact number in the intercom central.

The Name is the name how you recognize it when you select it at the Logical device section.

The Connector is the connector where you retrieve the messages from, this is the Commend connection for the ICX messages.

Suppressions is a checkbox, this is used if you have the availibility to suppress the intercom on site.

Logical Device(s) are linked automatically when you select this physical device in the logical device form.

DtmfCode is the code that needs to be send to activate the relais.

IntercomId is needed when you use the DtmfCode, it selects where to call before sending the Dtmf

PulseTimeInSeconds is to manually adjust the pulse time of the contact. When this is not filled, the contact will take the settings of the connector.

FakeSetting is not used anymore, this has to stay empty.



Intercom Id, this is filled in automatically and is a unique number.

The External Id is the contact number of the intercom terminal, configured in the intercom central.

The Name is the name how you recognize it when you select it at the Logical device section.

The Connector is the connector where you retrieve the messages from, this is the Commend connection for the ICX messages.

Suppressions is a checkbox, this is used if you have the availibility to suppress the intercom on site.

Logical Device(s) are linked automatically when you select this physical device in the logical device form.

IsControlDesk, this is a checkbox to give the intercom client control desk functions.

SuppressionId is to set the contact number (ICX) how the intercom can be changed between local en central

FakeSetting is not used anymore, this has to stay empty.



Pay station Id, this is filled in automatically and is a unique number.

The External Id is the contact of the pms system.

The Name is the name how you recognize it when you select it at the Logical device section.

The Connector is the connector where you retrieve the messages from, this is the PMS connection for the PMS messages.

Suppressions, this is a checkbox to enable or disable suppressions for this device.

Logical Device(s) are linked automatically when you select this physical device in the logical device form.

FakeSetting is not used anymore, this has to stay empty.


Input Output Units

The IO Unit Id is filled in automatically and a unique system number.

The External Id is the id of the Moxa converter.

The name is how you want to name the device, this is used to connect the device to a logical device.

The Connector is to select the connector that is used to communicate with the moxa.

Suppressions, this is a checkbox to enable or disable suppressions for this device.

FakeSetting is not used anymore, this has to stay empty.

Logical Devices

In this menu you can add, remove and change the logical devices.
The configuration separates different types of logical devices:

  • Cameras Ctrl+Shift+C

  • Doors Ctrl+Shift+D

  • Entries and Exits Ctrl+Shift+E

  • Information Points Ctrl+Shift+I

  • Manual Pay Assist Ctrl+Shift+M

  • PayStation Ctrl+Shift+P

  • Phones Ctrl+Shift+O

  • Inputs Ctrl+Shift+U

  • Outputs Ctrl+Shift+T

Each of this menus opens a form to connect the logical devices together.

If you want to add a device, scroll down to the bottom and fill in the empty boxes. When the device is created, a new empty row will be added to the form.

In the form, FlinQ will predict the Physical devices for you, it takes the text closest to your logical device text.

When a Field is empty, this part is not shown in the GUI.

After filling the form, you have to click Save & Close to save the changes and close the form.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

Camera1: Here you can select the first physical camera;

Camera2: Here you can select the second physical camera;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

Camera1: Here you can select the first physical camera;

Camera2: Here you can select the second physical camera;

Door: Here you have to select the physical door from the list;

Intercom: Here you have to select the physical intercom from the list;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.


Entries and Exits

The entries and Exits have an unique DeviceId at the left, this Id is created automatically by FlinQ when you add a new device;

The type is a dropdown box with choices: Entry, Entry with gate, Exit and Exit with gate;

The name will be visible in the Gui of Foresight;

The Camera 1 is a dropdown of the Physical camera’s;

The Camera 2 dropdown shows the same Physical camera’s;

The Barrier is the phyisical barrier;

Intercom is where you select the physical Intercom;

The location correspondents to the location made in Studio. This is the location where Foresight shows the device in the GUI.


You can apply filters or sort the columns by pressing the down arrow at top of the column.

If you sort, it wil sort and the dropdown is closed automatically, if you apply a filter, you have to confirm with the OK button.


After editing the form select Save & Close at the bottom of your screen to save your changes.


Information Points

Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

Camera1: Here you can select the first physical camera;

Camera2: Here you can select the second physical camera;

Intercom: Here you have to select the physical intercom from the list;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.


Manual Pay Assist

Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

PayStation: Here you have to select the physical PayStation from the list;

Camera1: Here you can select the first physical camera;

Camera2: Here you can select the second physical camera;

Intercom: Here you have to select the physical intercom from the list;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

PayStation: Here you have to select the physical PayStation from the list;

Camera1: Here you can select the first physical camera;

Camera2: Here you can select the second physical camera;

Intercom: Here you have to select the physical intercom from the list;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

Intercom: Here you can select the physical intercom device to use with this phone;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

InputOutputUnit: Here you can select the physical input from the unit;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.



Device Id: Unique number for internal registration. Filled in automatically by FlinQ;

Name: This name is how you see it in the GUI;

InputOutputUnit: Here you can select the physical output from the unit;

Location: Here you can select the location where the device must shown in the GUI.


Full Screen

The Full Screen F11 function sets the FlinQ Studio Application to full screen.

Always on top

The Always on top function sets the FlinQ studio Application always on top of the screen so if you open an other program, FlinQ studio will be shown on top.
When this function is enabled, you will see a check mark at the option.


When you select the About FlinQ Studio, it will pop up the version of FlinQ.

You can use the X to close this screen.

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