HSG04 wiring installation Wiper and IR

The HSG04 has a terminal block with RS485 and I/O outputs in order to control Wiper and IR lamp (optional).

Wiper is controlled via RS485 (Pelco D commands)
IR lamp switches an output contact, which can be used to force the camera to night mode.


The RS485 connection of the HSG04 is fixed at:
Baudrate: 2400
Data bits: 8
Parity: N
Stop bits: 1

The RS485 data settings on the camera must be the same

The RS485+ (brown) and the RS485- (Black) of the HSG04 must be connected to the D+ and D- of the camera.

Check the Quick Start Guide of your camera type for the correct pin location of D+ and D-, this may differ per model.

Example (BC920):

Note: On the BC920, the Pin layout of the Digital connector is printed as I/0 1-7

The correct translation of this is as follows:


The wiper can be activated by sending command “Set/ON AUX1”
The wiper stops automatically after 5 movements
Manually it can be stopped with command “Clear/OFF AUX1”

See manual of HSG04 for more information.
Link to manual


IR synchronization

The IR lamp of the HSG04 turns on automatically in low light conditions.
I/O contact is available to force camera into night mode (black/white) to synchronize this process.

Good to know, the IR lamp is always “master” in this kind of installation and overrules other IR related settings of camera.

Pin DO1 and DI1 (White/Green in this example) of HSG04 is the I/O contact of the IR lamp.


Connect this to the I/O input of the camera: IN1+ and IN-
(on other types this may be called Alarm In1+ and Alarm In-)
Check the Quick Start Guide of your camera type for the correct pin location, this may differ per model.

Example (BC920)

Configure the Alarm1 input on the web page of the camera as shown in the picture below

The IR beam can be adjusted to different angles depending on the lens used.
Configuration of this can be found on page 8 of the HSG04 manual.
Link to manual
So far we only offer the 12W version of this IR lamp (VR-120: 12w)


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