*Servers – General

Configuration Article | CA-20220519-MH-01

VDG Sense | Setup | Servers | General

This article explains the functionality of the ‘General’ tab. Basic server and license configuration is configured in this tab.

Servers – General

Server Version

The version of the server

Registration number

The registration number is Host name of the server system

Server ID

Unique ID which identifies the server. It is used throughout the software in combination with the device id as a unique identifier for cameras.

Short Description

Customer description of the server

Management-server address

In a multi-server installation this needs to be the IP address of the assigned management server. By default this address is ‘’ (localhost); each standalone or single server system is its own management server. Only on slave or sub servers this IP address needs to be changed to the IP address of the actual Management server. If the IP address does not correspond to the management server there will be problems with user management and events.

Cluster Status

The current status of the cluster setup. For more information about configuring a cluster environment, see Cluster configuration

Cluster button

This button is used to join or leave a cluster environment

Database Host

The management server database host is set to ‘’ by default. Events from other sub-servers are send to the management server by default.

In a multi-server installation/cluster the database host on the sub-servers should be set to the management server IP address. This is required when using the person database (matching license plates) for cameras on sub-servers.

Database Status

Current connection status of database

Database Config

This button is used to configure the database

License Status

Shows the status of the license

License Info

Shows license info, updates or deactivates/removes the license

Cluster configuration

Starting Sense 2.7 it is required to use the server credentials to add a server to a cluster. To create a cluster of multiple servers follow these instructions. Assuming this server list:

To add Server 3 to the cluster press 'Setup Cluster' button. The following dialog appears informing user that all user related configuration on that server will be overwritten:

Pressing ‘Yes’ will open the dialog to add the selected server to the cluster:


  • Host

    • The IP address of the management server

  • Port

    • The Port of the management server (do not change)

  • Username / Password

    • The administrator credentials of the management server

If login was succesful the following status is displayed:

If login was unsuccesfull the following status is displayed:

If the management server is not in the serverlist the following error appears:


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