*Servers – Advanced

*Servers – Advanced

Configuration Article | CA-20200930-TP-01

VDG Sense | Setup | Servers | Advanced

This article explains the functionality of the ‘Advanced’ tab.


  • Playback limit (minutes)
    This sets the maximum time in minutes non-admin users are allowed to playback recorded video. A value of ‘0’ is no-maximum (default value).

  • Days to store matches
    This sets the maximum amount of days CarR or FaceR matches are stored in the database. IMPORTANT: normally this value is higher than the actual video storage duration which means the event is without video

  • Days to store POS messages
    This sets the maximum amount of days POS messages are stored in the database. IMPORTANT: normally this value is higher than the actual video storage duration which means the event is without video

  • Person expiration period
    Sets the number of days after which a newly added person to the database is removed. A value of ‘0’ is no expiration time (default value). NOTE: this setting will overrule the person expiration date which can be set per person in the Sense Database layout.

  • Pre event videotag (s)
    If videotagging is used this value defines the time in seconds video to store video before the command ‘start video tag’

  • Transcoding quality
    Quality of transcoded video defined by a value between 1 (low quality) and 100 (high quality). See tutorial on ‘Stream video using limited bandwidth connection’.

  • Clip retention time (days)
    The amount of time in days a clip will exist on the server. Only refers to clips created using the addClip function call.

  • Clip retention size (GB)
    The maximum folder size in GB for clips on the server. If the folder size exceeds this size, the oldest clip will be deleted. Only refers to clips created using the addClip function call.

  • Failover storepath
    The storepath of the Failover

  • Failover OS username
    The Operating System username of the Failover server

  • Failover OS password
    The Operating System password of the Failover server

  • Restart server
    Send command to restart the SenseVideoManager service on the server